Before I start today’s “Tuesday’s Training Report,” let me tell you all what I’ve been doing lately instead of training………Uh, basically just standing around trying to keep it together while everything went whizzing past. That’s right, the week got away from me. Training for the Cleveland Marathon Challenge Series (8K on May 14 and half marathon on May 15), and then continuing for the Myakka River Half Marathon (in November) kind of came to a screeching half this week. I’m not going to beat myself up about it, but I’m just going to move on and buckle down this upcoming week so I have something better to report to everyone next week.
Truthfully, it has been a combination of things that have kept me veering off track this week –
* firstly, I have this little nagging pain on the bottom of my foot towards the heel. I have no idea what it is but sometimes it’s making me crazy. I try to ignore it, but I think sooner or later (probably sooner), I’m going to have to search it out on the internet or – gasp – go to the enemy camp aka the podiatrist.
* The next swerve came when there were a couple of cool new songs on the playlist for Sunday’s Palm Sunday service and I really needed to practice a little more than usual to try and get the rhythms down. It was a powerful set and I felt really moved when the weekend came, so I think I did succeed in learning these songs so it wasn’t a huge fail for my service to God.
* Next, I planned to do this new cardio DVD – I had been waiting for it to arrive in the mail and when it did, guess what happened? It was way more than I imagined, and I’m too out of shape to do the whole 43 minute class on the first DVD. I lasted a whopping 18 minutes and I was panting like a dog. I’m not a spring chicken anymore, that’s for sure! I guess I’ll have to build up, complete the 43 minute class and then move on to DVD’s 2-5!
* Next is PAPERWORK and SHIPPING. I had to catch up on so much backed up paperwork that I was avoiding for about a month and finally, I sat down and powered through most of it including balancing of the checkbook, paying all the bills, filing all the receipts and taking care of organizing and calendaring the rest of it. I’ve actually completed the other people’s taxes I prepare so now I’m down to finishing up mine. I have already started them, so there’s that. All the Easter stuff has been shipped out and actually received by everyone so that’s completely taken care of too.
I do not consider this week a fail at all. Positive things have come out of this week, and truthfully, I know I need to admit the foot issue is in fact an issue that needs to be addressed. I also need to accept that I’m not going to be able to move through all those cardio DVD’s like I’m 20, because I’m not. And most importantly, I know I need to buckle down on my training which I will start TODAY!
Now, for last week’s training,
Monday – played drums at church service after working all day
Tuesday – 18 minutes cardio DVD
Wednesday – ran 2 miles (YAY!)
Thursday – band practice
Friday – off
Saturday – band practice and church service
Sunday – Palm Sunday, 2 church services and chores at home
Monday – off
I don’t know about your town, but here in Southwest Florida, real estate is really picking up so my workload is getting heavier and heavier which is surprising, since most of the snowbirds are leaving town right now, but I will have to find a way to leave work at work so I leave time for training too. Okay, lunch hour is over – check in next week, and I’m sure I’ll have much better news to report about my training!
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