March 15th - Featuring Buzzard Freebies!

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies

March 15th is... Buzzard's Day, Ides of March (44 BC), Et tu, Brute? Day, National Brutus Day, National Pears Helene Day, True Confession Day, Everything You Think is Wrong Day, Dumbstruck Day, World Consumer Rights Day (1963), International Eat an Animal for PETA Day/EATAPETA Day (2003), International Day Against Police Brutality, National Peanut Lovers Day, National Shoe the World Day, World Social Work Day, World Contact Day, National Kansas Day, Akitu, World MAP Day, International Day of Action for the Seals/International Day of Action Seal/International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter, National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (Australia), National Penis Day (Japan), 315 Day (Syracuse)
MORE: National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day, World Sleep Day, I Know I Exist Day, Shabbat Zachor
PLUS - interesting books to read and free printables, paper crafts, kid crafts, activities, and coloring pages.
Want more Holidays to celebrate? Click for our Index of Holiday Freebies

Buzzard's Day
-- Celebrating the bird whose circling overhead signaled to cowboys of old a creature had met its demise. Turkey buzzards' heads are featherless and red, resembling wild turkeys. They have very good eyesight and soar through the sky on big updrafts. Considered Mother Nature's garbage collectors, they are also called carrion crows, scavengers who live on dead animals.
Read: The Life of Buzzards
-- The accounts describe the life history and ecology of Buzzards mainly inhabiting the British uplands where historically they have always been most numerous. For the first time, population activities are followed through successive seasonal stages of their life cycle. These include the vital and inter-related aspects of Buzzard territories and social behaviour, diets and hunting methods, food requirements, prey abundance and breeding success, survival and life spans and how Buzzard numbers and distribution have changed, particularly in relation to the influence of Man. The book also demonstrates how well Buzzards have adapted to living in our modern and rapidly-changing landscapes, constantly adapting their habits in response to prey resources and environmental conditions.
• Dead Vulture Decoy -- Covered in real feathers, its feet are designed with wires for attaching to metal tower or tree branches. Use the Dead Vulture Decoy to scare vultures and buzzards off towers and substations. Can also be used as a Halloween decoration or movie prop. The vulture's should be positioned upside down to simulate death or agony, The Dead Vulture has been used by TVA, USDA Wildlife Services, Exxon/Mobile, Duke Energy, Cell Phone Tower companies, and many others to protect habitat and equipment from damages by Vultures and Turkey Buzzards.
• BirdBusters Realistic Vulture Prop -- Life-life 9 inch Vulture with real feathers. Adjustable Metal Foot Wires for attaching to book shelves or branches, yard light . Attach the vulture to your shoulder or hang around your neck. Makes a great Halloween decoration or movie prop. The vulture can be set up outside as part of your Halloween decorations or place inside for a fun Halloween party.
• Buzzard Coloring and Activity Books

Vultures! Learn About Vultures

Amazon Freebies:
Read Buzzard ebooks for free with a Free Trial of Kindle Unlimited
Free Buzzard apps
Free Buzzard games
Watch Buzzard Videos for Free with a Free Trial of Amazon Prime
Listen to Buzzard Audible books with Amazon Audible, and Get Two Free Audiobooks
Free Alexa Skills | Buzzard

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities and Crafts:
Buzzard coloring pages
Vultures coloring pages
Turkey Vultures - Idaho Fish and Game
How to Draw a Common Buzzard
• How to Draw Buzzard Coloring Page
V Is for Vulture Craft
• New World Vultures activity book - World Migratory Bird Day
Species Sheets: Turkey Vulture - Raptors of the Rockies
Vultures - Game Commission
Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw a Turkey Vulture

Ides of March (44 BC)
- On this day in history, Julius Caesar was warned by soothsayers to beware of the Ides of March. Apparently, he did not heed the warning strongly enough as he was stabbed by Marcus Brutus on the Ides of March in 44 BC.
National Pears Helene Day
- Between the delectable aroma and juicy taste, the only thing better than eating a pear is eating Pears Helene. Pears Helene is a delicious French dessert made with sliced pairs and various toppings such as cinnamon sugar, chocolate sauce, vanilla syrup, and ice cream.
National Brutus Day
- Marcus Junius Brutus, a leading conspirator in the assassination of Julius Caesar, commits suicide after his defeat at the second battle of Philippi. Two years before, Brutus had joined Gaius Cassius Longinus in the plot against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, believing he was striking a blow for the restoration of the Roman Republic.
True Confession Day
- Confessing is good for the soul. It can calm the mind and help heal the pain. So really get those tongues wagging at work today by telling all. No holding back. And if you are alone? There's always the mirror.
Everything You Think is Wrong Day
- YOU ARE WRONG! Everything you think is wrong. Dead wrong. Your feelings and guts are golden, but those thoughts you are thinking right now? WRONG! Wrong. Wrong. It is so good to be wrong. Celebrate the splendid liberation from having to be right! You are wrong, scientists are wrong, and I am wrong too.
Dumbstruck Day
- A day to be totally dumbstruck over the things you see, hear and read. You may easily be dumbstruck to read someone created this special day. Some people are dumbstruck on a regular basis, day in and day out. The events in their lives and the world around them are overwhelming. Fortunately, that's not you (we hope).
World Consumer Rights Day (1963)
- Consumers International (CI) has called upon the international community to ensure safe water and proper sanitation reaches all of the world's six billion consumers. The consumer movement first marked March 15th in 1983, and now uses this day every year to mobilise action on important issues and campaigns.
Buzzard's Day
- The turkey vultures return to Hinkley, Ohio every March 15. Because of the popularity of these turkey vultures returning has become so wide-spread, creating a lot of tourists who come to watch them, Buzzard Day is observed, and March 15th is said to be its official day.