Marathon Training Has Begun. Just in Time for Shitty Weather

By Brisdon @shutuprun
As I sit here and look out my window it is -10 degrees and the ground is covered in 8 " of new snow. Here's how it looked when I woke up. It was actually colder in Longmont this morning than Antarctica. I am not shitting you:

I find myself wondering how I will do my long run of 13 miles tomorrow without having to resort to the treadmill. 13 miles on the treadmill sounds slightly like a slice of hell. But, I remind myself running is a choice and a privilege. And, people, I have goals for myself, so I just keep visualizing that start line in Paris in 93 days!! I could not be more excited to be celebrating my 50th birthday in one of my favorite places on earth doing one of my most favorite things on earth (getting trampled!).

Remember, treadmills are convenient for pooping when necessary and water fountains. And there is no black ice on a treadmill. I will, say, however that yesterday someone left the treadmill on at the gym and I almost stepped on it and got ricocheted off. This has happened to me before so I always check now to see if some ass hat as left it on. And, sure enough.
This brings me to training. I have a new marathon training plan!! I am giddy about it!!! I want to smash my goals and be a star!
So, I poked around for quite a bit of time trying to decide which plan to use. Yes, in the past I have created my own plans, but I didn't want to do that this time. I wanted someone to tell me what to do because I like being bossed around sometimes. I also wanted results and a challenge.

I'm wearing glasses because I have an eye infection, which makes me look like I'm high all day

Finally, I decided on McMillan Running to create the plan. I didn't want an ongoing coach, just a solid schedule and the opportunity to ask questions when needed. Long ago I became a fan of the McMillan Running Calculator. Do you know about this? Basically you enter in a recent race time and it tells you what you could potentially run for other distances. It also gives you your goal training paces for long runs, tempos, 800s, recovery, etc. I used this a ton when I was trying to qualify for Boston and it worked.
Now I've got this shiny new plan chock full of a variety of speed workouts, recovery/easy runs and long distances. Tailored for just me by Greg McMillan himself (well, probably not, but I know he secretly has a crush on me). I'll be running 5 days per week, which is what I do now. Weekly mileage starts around 33 miles and ramps up from there with recovery weeks thrown in. It's a 14 week plan taking me right up to marathon day on the Champs Elysees! Mon Dieu.
Let me speak my goals so that I can make them very real and you can hold me to them and mock me if I fall short (<calm down you know I'm kidding. No mocking. Just shame me instead).
Goal A: PR the marathon. My PR is 3:42 (2010). That is a damn long time ago and I am much damn older. So what? Age doesn't mean much to me. I feel stronger than I did in 2010 and pace/speed are things I can work on. Paris is a pretty flat course and at an elevation of 115 feet. 115 feet is for pussies!
Goal B: Qualify for Boston again. The good news is that when you are 50, you qualify by running a sub-4 hour marathon. I think I've got that in me for sure.

Running Boston - 2011. I'll be back.

So, there you have it. In the bleakness and coldness of this winter blah time, I've got my eye set on the prize. I love having goals to propel me through...
What's the last training plan you used? Probably one I got through Andrew Kastor for the LA Marathon.

What are you training for now? Paris and just maybe a 50K or 50 miler.