Mara Hoffman SS 2013

By Bostonista @thebostonista

(Courtesy of Style Bistro)
After trotting back across town from Edun I met up with my BBF (best blogger friend) Scorpion Disco for the Mara Hoffman show at Lincoln Center.  After arguing with a cab driver (why would you yell at me BEFORE I gave you your tip?), being standing room in my five inch heels at Edun, and the humidity I have to admit that I was kind of cranky.
But all that changed with the first few ukulele chords at Mara Hoffman. Inspired by island breezes, Mara charmingly had a ukulele quartet playing just before the first model hit the runway and again during the finale. It's sort of impossible to be grumpy when girls in grass skirts are playing ukuleles for you!
It fit the overall mood of the collection perfectly; It struck notes of pure joy. 
If MH SS 2013 is anything to go by then maxi dresses and geometric, digital prints will be sticking around for next summer!
How is it possible that red and magenta go so well together? The red was thin but opaque contrasting nicely with the sheer magenta. If you're not ready for a beach party there was also an office friendly version. Well, maybe add a blazer. I'll have to start working on my abs now because there were a lot of bustiers and braletts showing off toned skin.
My skin isn't so toned.  But these applique bustiers are so beautiful that they'd be worth every moment in the pilates studio!
But the piece de resistance was, in my humble opinion anyway, the "beaded shields" chiffon gown.

The skirt just flowed and glowed like honey butter. 
I left feeling invigorated and dreading the cold weather more than ever!
(Thank you to the Mara Hoffman and People's Revolution teams!)
(Photos Courtesy of Style.Com)