Just before the summer holidays, the theme at Defne's school was "Our connections with the World". To help her get the idea of our place in the world, I cut out circles from. On the top one, I wrote her name, on the bigger one the name of her school, on the bigger one the name of our town, on the bigger one the name of our county, one the bigger England, and the big yellow one was marked as The World. This is a simple but great idea that I saw on Pinterest.
We also work with peg puzzles. Peg puzzles are an excellent way to teach about geography as they are sensorial. Thanks to this Europe puzzle, Defne now knows most of the countries and their capitals.3,5 year old Derin also enjoys doing this puzzle with some help from Defne.
I was lucky enough to come across these two jigsaw puzzles at a charity shop and they are great additions to our shelves. They are aimed at children from 5 to 8 so still a bit difficult for Defne. I help her do the puzzle and this also gives us a chance to talk about the map, different countries, landmarks,climates etc.