Many Are Blaming The Wrong Party For The Unfair Economy

Posted on the 16 March 2024 by Jobsanger

Many workers are unhappy with the economy - especially rural workers. They see the rich getting richer while they struggle with an inadequate wage that isn't keeping up with inflation. And they are right. We have a very unfair economy!

But too many of them don't understand why the economy has become so unfair. They believe the lies Republicans are telling them.

Republicans tell them that undocumented immigrants are stealing their jobs. Not true. Those immigrants are taking the dangerous, no benefits, low-paying jobs that Americans don't want. And those immigrants have actually helped the economy by taking those jobs and spending much of the money they earn in this country - boosting the economy. They also pay sales, property, and income taxes (and don't get refunds like citizens).

Republicans tell them that inflation is caused by the budget deficit. Even Republican officials don't believe this, because during the Trump administration they added more to the deficit than during any other administration.

The biggest lie of all is the economic theory Republicans have followed (Trickle-Down economics). Republicans say the answer to our economy is to make sure the corporations and the rich have low taxes and are allowed to make more money. They claim if the rich have more the extra money they have will "trickle down" to the rest of Americans, and everyone will benefit.

But that has never worked, and won't work in the future! While it has been successful in fattening the bank accounts of the rich and the profits of corporations, almost nothing trickles down to anyone else.

In fact, this economic theory is the reason our economy has become so unfair. It has caused a massive redistribution of wealth from the working and middle classes to the rich. The rich now hog all of rising productivity. Before the GOP was able to institute the "trickle-down" theory, rising productivity was shared by all, giving workers a decent living and creating a large and vibrant middle class.

But thanks to the GOP economics, the working class is struggling to keep up with inflation and the middle class is shrinking.

We can fix the economy and make it fair again, but not as long as the GOP has the power to keep their flawed economic theory in place.