By Kena @campchic

Thanks right! In my efforts to dominate the blogosphere I have decided to launch my Men's blog solely on Tumblr. I went back and forth on duplicating my efforts and having The Fashion Camp also be on Tumblr but that just seemed silly and boring. I don't do double work! So coming March 30th I will be launching MANSETTER on Tumblr. My tagline: (All things MAN......A space for loving on the Fellas!) You like... uh... uh? Okay ignore my self indulgent need for positive affirmation. Whether you like it or not its happening on March 30th. Say hello to a whole new world focusing on Men. Oh wait isn't that what we women do on a daily basis. I guess this is what you would call "life intimating art." Laters... 

P.S. this decision was made after having a lovely dinner with one of my favorite married couples. My friend's hubby informed me that I've been forgetting about my Menz lately. I hope he is excited to learn about my new venture. I will be sure to send him the bill for all my extra work. What's your address again Gene?