Manners Can Take You Places

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28

This is peculiar but today, I'm getting preachy about good manners!
You can never say "please" or "thank you" too many time - ever.
I am so particular about manners that when I hand my husband a drink for example, I actually stand and wait until he says "thank you". Yes, my personal quirk. And of course, my husband being the goon that he is, loves holding back just for stirring purposes.
I am not so harsh and judgemental with others regarding manners but in my family, it is of utmost importance. And before anyone needs to point out, yes of course I am the biggest hypocrite obviously because I do indulge in a good portion of cussing. (Though my self-righteous evil persona will point out indignantly that I don't swear in front of my kids. Just with my husband, on my blog sometimes and with certain mates who really are bad company.) Yes, cussing and good manners can't co-exist but anyway...
I was really proud the other day when I treated my girl to some KFC. She was so overjoyed that she promptly expressed what she thought of me: "Thank you very much, Mummy. You are very kind to do that."
How precious is that?!
No overbearing pretense or rehearsing phrases taught to her or anything of that sort. Just her heartfelt appreciation and good manners.
Or the other day when she was bouncing on the bed while I was reading and she stopped and asked, "Am I annoying you, Mummy? Hope I'm not and sorry if I am!" I initially was a tad annoyed with the bouncing but because of her good manners and sensitivity, any of that flew out the window.
I believe good manners get you places, you know.
I believe good manners can brighten someone's day. When it's appropriate, I love letting a retail person or even phone operator know that "hey, thanks, you have been really helpful and I really appreciate your time."
I believe good manners can make someone go the extra mile for you, just because you make them feel good with a couple of heartfelt words.
And why not, right? What a small price to pay to put a smile on someone's face.
Do you believe in the magic powers of good manners?
Linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT because yo, we love to blog on Tuesdays!