Mani Time: Back To Basics, Back To Black

By Suma @ThFabJunkie

Hey Loves!
I always tell people how I loved my "punk rock stage".  I'm talking studded belts, pink hair, skinny jeans and some sort of skull related top from Hot Topic. My favorite part of this stage wasn't the pink hair BUT it was my obsession with black nail polish. I wore black on my nails 93% of the time. It had to be the perfect black also. You would just think black is black right? Nope! I needed a superb black polish that was a deep shiny black. Trust me, it's sometimes very hard to find.
To this day, I always fight the urge to paint my nails black. This past weekend, the urge won. I found this amazing black from Ricky's NYC and not only is it just perfection but it's called "Gypsy Cab". The name is so New York!

Two coats and a fast drying top coat later, I was reminded why I LOVE black nail polish on my skin tone! I am thinking that I need to scrap my back up blacks from the drug store and purchase another bottle of "Gypsy Cab". Especially since they are 2 for 10 bucks!

Check out Ricky's NYC for this color and so much more! I have a few more colors to try out so stay tuned for more "Mani Time" featuring Ricky Color! Have a wonderful week loves and I will see you soon!