Manhattan Marble Miniature by Yutaka Sone

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool

Published on April 2nd, 2014 | by Never Say Cool


Little Manhattan is the latest work of Japanese architect and sculptor Yutaka Sone. Presented last week during the Park avenue Armory art fair, this work represents a miniature rendering, in pure marble, of the city of Manhattan. Crafted from 2007 to 2009, the work required a huge amount of research using photos, Google Hearth and helicopter rides in order to capture and then render the details of the city. The result is a sculpture nine feet in length and three in height, and building and citiscape just three centimeters tall and completely made to scale.

Sone, born in Shizuoka but now LA resident is a trained architect, but is able to work across disciplines in painting, drawing, photography, video and performances.
