Mango Slush

By Pshinde2109 @pshinde2109
  Mango season, is the one I am waiting eagerly for Alphonso mangoes. Last Two years I was in Canada and could not enjoy enough mango season. So, this year I am almost enjoying Alphonso mangoes everyday. My son is loving them lost and he almost forgot about vegetables or Dal. He just want mango juice with roti ;-) I made lot of mango recipes this time, but because of my laziness I could not click pictures. Whenever I prepared something, everybody wants to eat ASAP and we tend to forget about clicking photos. Sorry for this. But I will make sure it will not happen next year ;-)
Finally I could manage to grab photos of Mango slush, I made today and we enjoyed it with lot of ice. This Mango slush just made our today's afternoon. Wow!!!Mango slush is kind of refreshing drink having lemon and ginger juice with sugar. I avoided to put ginger in my son's drink as he should not get disappointed because of ginger taste in mango juice.
I always make 'Aamras-Puri' my favorite dish with mangoes.
 •1 large ripe mango peeled and cubed •1 teaspoons ginger juice •1 tablespoons lime juice•3 tablespoons sugar or honey•3 cups of ice
Method 1.Keep all the ingredients ready.2.Make Ginger juice by shredding the ginger using the fine shredder and squeeze the juice in small bowl.3.Place all the ingredients in a blender and process at high speed until it is crushed and smooth. 4.Do not melt all the ice as Mango Slush is more enjoyable with lots of crushed ice.