Manchester School of Art Degree Show 2013

By Abigailhutton @AbigailHutton_

I am so excited to show you all my work at last! I’ve been dying to put pictures up but have managed to just keep it to little sneak peeks until now. 
The degree show started with on an absolute high last night (14 June) at the Private View. Textiles (with Embroidery neighbouring us) is right at the front of the new art school, exactly where it should be, as there really is some mega talent to show off from both courses.

At 6pm Alan Holmes gave out awards for students across Textiles & Embroidery.. From Textiles, Elizabeth Moore, a fellow print student (fashion prints) won Best New Designer chosen by Digitex. Leila Jones-Whiteside won the Achievement Award for her lovely weaving. Two more weavers Melissa Baggaley & Clair Whyman won the Innovative Design award.. And finally, my name was announced for the MMU Alumni Award 2013, chosen by Diane Harrison!

During the private view, and today (the first day open for the public), I have already spoken to so many people, ranging from industry, prospective students, ex students, and people who simply have an appreciation for design. It’s all very exciting and I can’t wait to see what opportunies may arise over the coming days of the degree show, and soon at New Designers (June 26-29)!