“Manajemen Media Sosial Outsource -Apa Itu Social Media Analytics”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

Powell, Guy R.; Groves, Steven W.; Dimos, Jerry (2011). ROI of Social Media: How to improve the return on your social marketing investment. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-82741-3. OCLC 0470827416.

Ikamp trovel o wonem, me ken stretim olgeta toktok. Orait. Pasin ke ken be meni ti ken nyep la, su lok lam memba re, olo ba miting autim olgeta tok … moni ti ken nyep ega, rek mu su rek ngoko nam be, one moni rek, … moni ti ken bak stua lam vu Mambump re, m nzom agon. Orait, bihain, bihainim bilong wok long bisnis, orait, moni bilong stua bai ibekim olgeta ples.

Jump up ^ Oberst, Ursala; Chamarro, Andres; Renau, Vanessa (2016). “Gender Stereotypes 2.0: Self-Representations of Adolescents on Facebook”. Media Education Journal. 24 (48): 81–89. doi:10.3916/c48-2016-08.

Jump up ^ Shepherd, Andrew; Sanders, Caroline; Doyle, Michael; Shaw, Jenny (2015). “Using social media for support and feedback by mental health service users: Thematic analysis of a twitter conversation”. BMC Psychiatry. 15: 29. doi:10.1186/s12888-015-0408-y. PMC 4337200 . PMID 25881089.

Dalam mengiklankan produk, tidak ada hal lain yang lebih penting selain mencari keyword SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Perusahan ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menemukan keyword SEO yang dijamin akan menarik banyak pengujung ke produk yang dipercayakan kepada mereka untuk dijual.

Seperti sarang lebah, jika kita bijak maka kita akan mendapat madunya, tetapi jika tidak ada perancangan dan kawalan maka kita pula akan diserang oleh lebah itu, yang akhirnya memberi kesakitan kepada kita. Maka atas maksud ini, seseorang itu perlulah membuat perancangan tetang apa yang hendak dia lakukan dalam laman web sosial, kenal pasti matlamat yang hendak dicapai barulah meneruskan pelayaran mayanya itu berpanduaan goal-setting, atau pun to-do list yang telah dibuat.

In term of trading, social media is a significant factor that helps companies build a strong brand and make a lasting impression on target customers. Similarity, establishing branding online can also help to remain an active online presence for any businesses. For instance, Magnum has launched its new campaign ‘Release the Beast’ and ‘Dare to go double’, the campaigns encourage Magnum fans to challenge themselves by releasing their wild side (Mortimer, N., 2016).[141] The company has taken advantages of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to reach more prospective users (Levine et al.,2000).[142] The campaign achieved its marketing objective by 80 per cent of users interested in the new campaign in 2016 (Mintel academic).[143] Therefore, the use of social media helps to gain the traffic and subscribers to the websites (Blackshaw and Nazzaro 2004).[144]  Social media sites have also been criticized for failing to do more to prevent terrorist organisations using it as a way to radicalize vulnerable people.[145]

Saat ini dalam beraktivitas para remaja sudah banyak menggunajan internet hal tersebut menyebabkan perkembangan fisik remaja yang terlalu dipapar oleh internet banyak mengalami physical decline. Contohnya problem visual seperti kelelahan mata, sakit kepala bahkan pengelihatan kabur, selain itu obesitas juga kasus yang sering terjadi akibat berkurangnya aktifitas fisik.

Reach: Both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and are capable of reaching a global audience. Industrial media, however, typically use a centralized framework for organization, production, and dissemination, whereas social media are by their very nature more decentralized, less hierarchical, and distinguished by multiple points of production and utility.

Meski tampaknya keren, namun itu tidak begitu efektif untuk mendapatkan “perhatian” pembaca. Memang, pembaca bisa tahu kalau ada postingan baru di blog anda, namun bukan berarti itu yang diinginkan pembaca.

Jump up ^ Tang, Qian; Gu, Bin; Whinston, Andrew B. (2012). “Content Contribution for Revenue Sharing and Reputation in Social Media: A Dynamic Structural Model”. Journal of Management Information Systems. 29 (2): 41–75. doi:10.2753/mis0742-1222290203.

There are several negative effects to social media which receive criticism, for example regarding privacy issues,[150] information overload[151] and Internet fraud. Social media can also have negative social effects on users. Angry or emotional conversations can lead to real-world interactions outside of the Internet, which can get users into dangerous situations. Some users have experienced threats of violence online and have feared these threats manifesting themselves offline. Studies also show that social media have negative effects on peoples’ self-esteem and self-worth. The authors of “Who Compares and Despairs? The Effect of Social Comparison Orientation on Social Media Use and its Outcomes”[152] found that people with a higher social comparison orientation appear to use social media more heavily than people with low social comparison orientation. This finding was consistent with other studies that found people with high social comparison orientation make more social comparisons once on social media. People compare their own lives to the lives of their friends through their friends’ posts. People are motivated to portray themselves in a way that is appropriate to the situation and serves their best interest. Often the things posted online are the positive aspects of people’s lives, making other people question why their own lives are not as exciting or fulfilling. This can lead to depression and other self-esteem issues as well as decrease their satisfaction of life as they feel if their life is not exciting enough to put online it is not as good as their friends or family.[153] Studies have shown that self comparison on social media can have dire effects on physical and mental health because they give us the ability to seek approval and compare ourselves.[154] Social media has both a practical usage- to connect us with others, but also can lead to fulfillment of gratification.[155] In fact, one study suggests that because a critical aspect of social networking sites involve spending hours, if not months customizing a personal profile, and encourage a sort of social currency based on likes, followers and comments- they provide a forum for persistent “appearance conversations”.[156] These appearance centered conversations that forums like Facebook, Instagram among others provide can lead to feelings of disappointment in looks and personality when not enough likes or comments are achieved. In addition, social media use can lead to detrimental physical health effects. A large body of literature associates body image and disordered eating with social networking platforms. Specifically, literature suggests that social media can breed a negative feedback loop of viewing and uploading photos, self comparison, feelings of disappointment when perceived social success is not achieved, and disordered body perception.[157] In fact, one study shows that the microblogging platform, Pintrest is directly associated with disordered dieting behavior, indicating that for those who frequently look at exercise or dieting “pins” there is a greater chance that they will engage in extreme weight-loss and dieting behavior.[158]

Komunikasi dalam sosialisasi pernah dipandang  sebagai transfer informasi dari pengirim kepada penerima. Namun saat ini komunikasi dianggap sebagai berbagai informasi. Perubahan ini membawa akibat pada pemusatan perhatian analisis  komunikasi  kepada hubungan antar  individu  yang   menunjukkan lingkaran pergaulan langsung dalam sebuah topik  tertentu (Gonzales dalam Jahi, 1993: 92).

3. Kalau secara demografi pasar anda tidak berubah, tetapi secara behavior pasti berubah. Digitalisasi merubah semuanya. Lihatlah apa yang dibawa oleh anak generasi X saat ini : gadget/gawai. Anda akan sangat terkejut ketika tahu bahwa anak-anak yang akan (atau sudah) menjadi pasar anda ini sungguh sangat demanding. Tahukah anda kalau sebagian besar anak jaman sekarang mencari produk di sosial media? Referensi menjadi penting. Ini eranya C2C (customer to customer).

Pengelompokan sosial memang tidak bisa dihindarkan, akan selalu terjadi di mana manusia hidup dan tinggal, tak terkecuali di dalam kehidupan sebuah organisasi, baik secara/bersifat horizontal maupun vertikal.

Setiap orang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dan menjadi sukses. Mengikuti program afiliasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan. Caranya hanya dengan mengiklankan produk yang Anda gunakan. Ada banyak perusahaan …

Medan yang menjimatkan untuk mempromosikan produk perniagaan seantero dunia dan serba sedikit mampu membantu pemasar untuk mengenalpasti keperluan dan kehendak yang perlu ditawarkan kepada pengguna akhir.

Buat anda bisa bertahan di era digital ini, cuma ada 2 (dua) landasan strategi pemasaran saja yang harus dilakukan : 1. Lakukan semuanya berdasarkan data, dan 2. Perhebat kemampuan copywriting tim anda. Itu saja.

Social media the best way to gain traffic is to run a series of promotion through social media. Best website to do this is on Facebook; make sure you will involve your website to your promotions, games, challenges and etc. to make sure that you can gain a lot of traffic.

Dengan semakin diandalkannya media sosial sebagai salah satu sarana dalam berbagai macam aktivitas, termasuk urusan bisnis, percakapan di media sosial pun meningkat. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pada munculnya ledakan informasi akibat dari percakapan-percakapan tersebut.