Managing Your Remote Workers Effectively with 5 Awesome Tips

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Managing Your Remote Workers Today

In more recent years, a lot of businesses have been seeing the advantages of recruiting remote workers. More than that, the COVID19 pandemic outbreak has further led even more businesses to encourage remote working.

However, it is no secret that managing a remote team comes with its own unique challenges, especially if you've never managed one before.

The good news is that it is very possible to effectively manage a motivated and productive remote team of workers.

If you are unsure how to go about this, look no further because here are 5 tips for effectively managing your remote workers.

The good news is that it is very possible to effectively manage a motivated and productive remote team of workers. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

1. Outline Your Communication Strategy

When managing your remote workers, one of the first things you would need to do is clearly outline what your communication strategy is. This simply means that you should make your employees aware of what your communication process is.

For example, you should let them know what kind of problems require a video call versus a team meeting versus an email. Doing this allows for clarification on their end.

The best way to execute this is by documenting your communication plan so that they can always go back for reference.

This simply means that you should make your employees aware of what your communication process is. Click To Tweet

2. Take Advantage of Technology When Managing Your Remote Workers

One of the great things about technology is that it makes remote working a lot more manageable. It is vital to leverage technology in order to effectively communicate with your employees. For example, using VoIP phone solutions for small business means you can easily make online phone and video calls between teams.

It only requires an internet connection for you and your team members to access calls, instructions, and updates, just like in an office. This is just one example of modern technology available for businesses working remotely.

You can do some further research to find out which other platforms will work for your remote workers. This year at Inspire To Thrive we have been doing more Zoom calls to go over workloads.

3. Have Regular Team Meetings

The importance of regular team meetings with remote workers cannot be overstated. It is advised for team meetings to be over a video call as well. This is particularly useful because it allows all your team members to connect with each other, and builds a sort of team bond that can foster better working relationships.

More than that, it allows them to communicate openly with each other. This team meeting can possibly clear any miscommunication between each other or regarding the work they have done.

Finally, it allows you to know your employees better, especially their strengths and weaknesses.

5. Create Realistic Work Expectations

It is very easy to place very high expectations on your remote workers as you subconsciously think that just because they are at home, they have all this free time. Nevertheless, try to remember that remote workers still need a good work-life balance, as they have other responsibilities to fulfill outside of work.

Make a conscious effort not to disregard their additional responsibilities by bombarding them with ridiculous amounts of work.

Manage your expectations of them, however, this doesn't mean that they should get away with not doing their work. Allow for one on one communication.

Sometimes, employees need one on one meetings with you more than you think. It is very easy to brush this off as unimportant, but these conversations are especially effective in managing your team.

Remember that each employee is their own individual, and has their own personal needs.

Holding regular one on one meetings with your employees allows them to openly share their questions, struggles, and ideas with you, without having to worry about distractions from other team members.

Bonus Tip for Managing Your Remote Workers

Try to remember that remote workers still need a good work-life balance, as they have other responsibilities to fulfill outside of work. #workingfromhome Click To Tweet

Once a remote worker has done the job, pay them immediately. I like to pay my freelancers here at Inspire To Thrive quickly. I do not want to make them wait to receive their compensation for the time they have put in.

Oftentimes, freelance workers and other remote workers may quit. By paying them on time this ensures they will possibly continue to work for you. If you are late with paying them, they may look elsewhere for work.

Your Turn

By paying them on time this ensures they will possibly continue to work for you. #remoteworkers Click To Tweet

How are you managing your remote workers today? If you are a remote work, which methods do you prefer?

I'd love to know more in the comments below.