Man Marries Girlfriend’s Corpse in Wedding/Funeral Cermony

By Cynisright @cynisright

Groom and Bride

Groom and Deceased Bride

01/23/2012 – by Cynthia Wright

(Totally not making this up, people)

In an interesting turn of events, Deff Yingyuen decided to do the honorable thing for his recently deceased girlfriend, Sarinya “Anne Kamsook by not just giving her the funeral of her dreams but a wedding too.

Yingyuen and Kamsook met at Eastern Asia University in Thailand and were together for nearly a decade.

The couple had planned to marry in the future (once Yingyuen was done with his studies) but Kamsook died before  date was officially set.

Excerpt from AOL:

And while some thought the service a bit strange, others expressed their sympathy for the groom.

“…I didn’t know her, but in your photos, she looks young and full of life. I can’t image the impact her death has caused in the lives of her loved ones. It was a very moving gesture of love, very moving. It makes you rethink a lot of things in life, things you take for granted,” Facebook user Alejandra Yanez wrote in spanish on Yingyuen’s page.

Onsiri Pravattiyagul, a friend of the groom, wrote an opinion column addressing Yingyuen’s intentions and the media speculation his story has prompted. The piece, featured on the Bangkok Times, included the following:

Chadil wrote matter-of-factly online — and would later give interviews in the same vein — explaining that the motivation for this display was guilt, pure and simple: He felt he hadn’t done enough for his girlfriend of 10 years while she was alive. Before her sudden death in a road accident, she had suggested that he marry her. But he had demurred, putting the idea on hold.

The “wedding” was his attempt to right a wrong, however belated the gesture might have been.

Photos and videos of the wedding/funeral are available on YouTube.