Man Gets Pulled Over For Driving His Own Car With “The Club” On The Steering Wheel

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Edmonton Journal reports that a man from Fort McMurray, Alberta was recently caught allegedly speeding with the anti-theft device “the Club” on his steering wheel.

The man was reportedly driving his own vehicle, and not impaired, so it is unknown why he was driving with the device that makes it difficult to turn a steering wheel.

The man removed the device before driving away, adding to the mystery… while we may never know his motives, we will try to guess why someone else may want to try this.

3 Possible Explanations As To Why Someone Might Want To Drive With The Club Or A Similar Locking Device On Their Steering Wheel

1. Missed fine print saying “Do not drive with this on vehicle.”

2. Packaging lacked above disclaimer because, hey, lawyers can’t predict everything people may try to do, and if “Not For Use In Golf,” didn’t make the cut, this warning seemed even less likely.

3. Thought Google was driving the car, after asking Siri-copycat on his Android phone “Will you drive the car for me?” and reading articles online about Google self-driving cars.