Man Brings Loaded Rifle Into State Capitol Building To 'Educate' Workers (Video)

Posted on the 02 September 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
A man with a loaded weapon strapped to his chest, the state constitution in his hand and a camera filming, walks into the New Mexico State Capitol building and proceeded to educate the workers there who attempted to tell him he needed a permit to carry a loaded weapon, about what the meaning of open carry means in the state of New Mexico.
At the 11 minute mark, the cops show up, and while they don't really understand his purpose of educating the workers there, they completely agree with the man, inform him that he is within his constitutional right to carry his weapon, in the open while it is loaded.
At one point, one of the cops say to the worker who called  "he has obviously read the book."
In the details he describes the event "After open carry of my handgun and walking around my state capitol building I was told that I could only carry a unloaded firearm in the building. Took a small walk to the North Building and got a copy of my New Mexico State Constitution and began to educate. They called the State Police and the state police know the laws and were not going to infringe on my rights. It was the most positive experience I have had open carrying and dealing with law enforcement."
During the video, you can see that the man was so respectful that at times everyone was chuckling and joking around.

Cross posted to Before It's News