Mallorca in Blue

By Marney @marmiscellany

View of Port d’Andratx, Mallorca

Our trip to Mallorca was unanticipated; we had planned on spending the summer close to home, but. . . We often do home exchanges, and one day, I got an email. Would we be interested in exchanging our home with a home in Port d’Andratx, Mallorca? Yes, we would! For a family of Pacific Northwesterners, where the ocean is often too cold too swim in and tends more toward gray, the warm, blue waters of the Mediterranean were one of the pleasures of our trip.

The Mediterranean, Mallorca

View from Dragonera Island, Mallorca

Beach at Sant Elm, Mallorca

Port at Soller, Mallorca

Near Deia, Mallorca

Fishing boat, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca

Near Estellencs, Mallorca

Evening view, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca