Male Homosexuality as a “Syndrome”

Posted on the 06 December 2017 by Calvinthedog

Roy Kozlowski: I love being fisted, have it elbow deep and a few times double fisted. Always have gloves and plenty of crisco. Was at a party a while back and let 6 men and 3 women fist me I loved it. Swallowed at least 12 loads of cum it was awesome would like it again.

This is a rather typical statement from a gay man. I can’t even count the number of times I have seen gay men write something similar. Face it, gay men are extreme whores, they are incredibly sleazy and they are sexually degenerate as Hell. And this is coming from a sexual libertine.*

I don’t necessarily begrudge them being this way because I think they are always going to be this way.

This behavior seems to be a permanent feature of male homosexuality. It is part of the “syndrome” of male homosexuality, and it is indeed a syndrome.

This is why clinicians insisted it was a mental illness for such a long time. Now I do not think it is a mental illness for a variety of reasons. First, there’s no cure or treatment. Second, the person is often completely happy and is not making everyone around them miserable. We generally only diagnose mental illness when the person is upset about it, when it is messing up their lives or when it is causing them all sorts of interpersonal problems with others.

Homosexulaity fails on all of those tests. Another important test would be the sanity of gay men. If homosexuality were a mental illness, gay men would all be pretty nutty. Yes, gay men are pretty nutty. Go hang around an area that is swarming with them for years and you will figure that out for yourself. And they are significantly more mentally ill than non-gay men, although most of the pathology is in relatively minor things like depression and anxiety, which are always elevated in groups of gay men.

However, the fascinating thing is that there are gay men who are not just healthy but incredibly healthy. I know because I have met them. If there are significant numbers of gay men who are the picture of mental health, we cannot possibly call it a mental illness because robustly sane people cannot be said to have a mental illness.

So homosexuality is not a mental illness although, I would argue, it acts like one! That is, it is a syndrome. Homosexuality usually comes as a package with a lot of other things attached to it, and quite often those “barnacles” are pathologies of one sort or another. So whatever causes the homosexuality might cause the other issues too.

My current argument is that it is a developmental process in the womb – that is, homosexuality is a developmental disorder like, say, left handedness. Studies show that gay men in the most pro gay nations have just as much psychiatric pathology as those in homophobic countries, implying that the mental stuff is a feature, not a bug. However, purely anecdotally, in recent years, the young gay men that I meet seem to be so much mentally healthier than the ones I grew up. They’re so healthy that sometimes I wonder if they are really gay!

Before we knew what this illness was all about – We used to think homosexuality was caused by childhood upbringing and straight guys turned gay, even against their will, meaning you could turn gay at any time. I actually used to worry that this would happen to me. I imagine I was not alone, as jokes about turning gay were very common in that era.

Back in that era of ignorance, the subject of gay men would come up. My mother would always look at me gravely and say, “They’re not happy. That’s one thing about gay men. They’re just not happy.”

One time I stayed over at a friend’s house who was living with a gay man. I met him early in the AM and then later on for breakfast. I told my mother about it the next day as I had just gotten out of college and was still at home. She looked at me deeply. “They’re not happy,” she said. It perked me right up and lights went off in my eyes. “Yes!” exclaimed with stunned recognition and acknowledgement of her wisdom. “He wasn’t happy. He wasn’t happy at all.” I shook my head. “Yes,” she said, nodding her head.

A very popular book about lesbianism forever now is called The Well of Loneliness. One of the best plays ever written about homosexuality (I highly recommend it) is called The Boys in the Band A group of gay men in their 40’s get together and talk about life. Their basic unhappiness is palpable and tragic. Once again, the basic unhappiness of homosexuals seems more of a feature than a bug. Somehow or other, it’s part of the “syndrome.”

If we see homosexuality as syndromal, so many things light up for us.

The vastly decreased lifespan; the frequent hatred for women; the hatred for their fathers; the effeminacy; the bitchiness; the extreme and nearly deranged promiscuity and polymorphous perversity; the obsession with seducing straight men; the love of opera; the almost bizarre obsession with sex; the increased and often extreme sadism and masochism; the somewhat elevated rate of pedophilia; the marked preference for younger males (the preferred age is 18-20); the very frequent obsession with pederasty and teenage boys; the seeming death-wish underneath so much of the behavior; the basic unhappiness, the elevated levels of depression and anxiety, the heavy use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol; the very frequent domestic violence; the nearly messianistic proselytizing; and even the apparently elevated creativity…it’s all part of a package.

And if you go back and read the earlier analytical literature on homosexuality, they may have been wrong about the cause, but their description of homosexuals was immaculate and touched on everything above. The reports often had a numbing sameness about them through decades. In terms of descriptive psychology, the portrayal was almost perfect. And although the profession got far off track in trying to cure it, even Freud said it was basically incurable. He also said it wasn’t really a mental illness even if it was not exactly an optimal outcome.

The usual Cultural Left comeback is that straight people are like that too.

Really? Did you see how that gay man acted at that party?

Just how many straight men go to sex parties and orgies and act like that? How many straight men like to get fisted in their asses, much less double fisted? I can tell you, having researched this, that it is very few.

How many women live like this? How many women go to parties and get fisted and double fisted by groups of people. There are now some women in porn who are getting fisted, mostly in BDSM porn (you can see a lot of this at but that is a very bad trend. I have never met a woman who liked to get fisted in the ass. Most are not even wild about anal sex, for Chrissake. How many women go to parties and suck off 12 men and swallow the semen of all of them? I’ve never met one woman in my life who did such a thing, and I’ve met and dated a lot of women.

The number of straight people who engage in such over the top ultra-whorishness and near-deranged perversity is very small. In fact, I’ve never met one in my life. But this level of sexual debasement and degeneracy is very common in gay men. Statements like you see above are not uncommon at all. Go to gay websites where they talk about their sex lives and read around.

The Cultural Left keeps insisting that gay men are just like straight men except for the PIV sex. Well…no, they’re not. Gay men are…well…they’re different, and it’s not just about where they stick their dicks. They’re different from us on a completely different level, so different that male homosexuality is nearly a syndrome or cluster of common behaviors in and of itself.

* I would like to add that not all gay men are like this. Some gay men are upset and condemning of the profound whorishness of gay men. I knew a gay man who was not like this at all. In fact, he had been celibate for the last five years. So while a lot of them are like this, it is definitely not all of the. Some gay men are rather conservative sexually.