The very definition of male empowerment, Cultural Left style.
C’mon boys! What are you waiting for? Bratwurst tastes great! Try it sometime! Your wife will love you for it, promise! You won’t be a literal cuck faggot or anything like that! Oh Hell no! This is the new Manhood, guys! Move over Syl Stallone and Marlon Brando! Let these brave male blowfish show you the way! Women all over the land are clamoring for cuck fag male blowfish boyfriends! This is the way to get laid, guys! Do it now!
The Cultural Left has never just been all about liberation and basic rights for biological gay men and lesbians (a noble goal). Instead it’s been all about the normalization of homosexual behavior for all of the rest of us and the promotion and encouragement of converting and recruiting straights to bisexual behavior.
I have studied the Gay Rights Movement for a very long time. Their true goals are much more insidious than the goals that they holler about in polite society, many of which are quite reasonable.
First thing you need to know is that it is nearly an axiom among gay men that there is no such thing as a straight man. All of us men are really just bisexual to some degree or another. Probably 90% of gay men believe this. This is a core belief of their culture. There are a few who buck the trend and say it’s wishful thinking and it’s not true, but they are a small minority. Unfortunately, far too many straight men have given gay men all too many reasons to assume this about us.
A longstanding goal of the homosexual movement has been to convert and recruit as many heterosexuals into bisexual behavior and a bisexual lifestyle. The reasons for this are obvious. There are millions of hot straight men, and gay men drool at the thought of getting their hands on them. You can hardly blame them. If I were a gay men, I would want as many straight men to be into bisexual behavior as possible. More hot guys to screw!
Nevertheless, the Gay Lobby is very dishonest about this issue, and they have always lied and said it’s not a part of their project.
Another part of their project is access to male children. I am uncertain if they want to convert and recruit male children into homosexuality. I am not sure if this can even be done. But they definitely want straight male adolescents to not take their sexuality for granted. They strongly promote sexual confusion among straight adolescent boys.
Adolescent boys are asked if they are “questioning” or not. This is a very bad thing to ask, as around puberty, many boys (1/3) are still uncertain of their sexual orientation. Encouraging them to to question whether they are gay or not will not lead to any positive benefits, but it may well cause a lot more boys to experiment with homosexuality. Really no one has to question their sexual orientation as to most boys, by a certain age, it is biologically fixed, and there is nothing to question.
Even unmistakably straight boys often suffer from a lot of sexual confusion where they worry that they might be gay. Fully 62% of all men have worried that they were gay at some point, according to a Playboy study in 1976. So this sort of thing is pretty common. Encouraging boys and young men going through this normal sexual confusion to get out there and experiment, see what you like, see what you don’t like, try it with guys, try it with girls, see what you like best (these are actual words of advice given to young men on many gay websites), is not the best way to handle this.
It’s best handled by a sober assessment of one’s true sexual attractions. Does the boy fantasize about sex with males or females? Does the boy check out males or females when out and about? When the boy is at the beach, who is “in the way,” the males or the females? What does the boy think about when he masturbates? Asking just a few of these questions is sufficient to perfectly determine sexual orientation with most males past age 15.
I know this because I often have to do sexual orientation assessments with my male clients due to the nature of my counseling work. After I ask a few questions like this, the sexual orientation of the male is usually quite clear very quickly. In other words, there’s nothing to question. Almost all males past age 15 already know their sexual orientation. There’s nothing to go round and round about, and encouraging people to do that just promotes needless neurosis and anxiety.
Articles like the above all the time in the Cultural Left media. And those of you interested in a racial angle might be interested to note that it is almost always a White man who is encouraging other straight men to get out there and suck a cock to see what it tastes like or get pegged in the ass by your girlfriend (a profoundly emasculating and feminizing sex act) because it feels so wonderful to pretend to be a gay man getting it up the ass from another guy.
I don’t like racial conspiracies, but if someone were to say that the Cultural Left is encouraging straight White men to discover what a penis tastes like or to play the profoundly feminizing role of being buggered San Francisco style by a dominant woman, I would not say they are off-base. Notice how the last one is encouraging straight White men to feminize themselves in the most profound way (getting buggered, even by a woman, is the ultimate feminizing act) while at the same time, in the ultimate feminist romp, encouraging White women to wear the pants, play the male role, dominate their wimpy cuck men, and essentially lord it over their men as superiors. All of which are long term goals of Female Supremacism, I mean Gender Feminism.
I can’t help but note why non-White men are never encouraged to engage in gay sex, get cucked and buggered by their domineering wives, etc.
I have no idea if this is a deliberate conspiracy, but it doesn’t have to be. Cultural projects have their effects whether their outcomes are deliberately promoted or whether it’s all accidental. The result is the same. So in a sense a lot of conspiracy theory is misguided. All that matters is the end result of the cultural project. Determining whether there is some devious hand promoting it intentionally or not is ultimately irrelevant and beside the point.
This is sadly what happens when you normalize homosexuality. You’re not just normalizing it for the 3% of the population who deserve such kindness, you’re normalizing it for everyone else too.
Solution? As usual, I doubt if there is one. Perhaps it’s best to just celebrate the decline and party it up until the ruins.
We are all dead too soon anyway.
Momento mori!