Malamatina Retsina

By Richard Randall @aude11360

Wine with pine resin added. Who would not love (i.e hate it) it? Well years ago that was my very fixed opinion about Retsina but it altered when I tried it when I visited Greece.
So when I saw it for sale in a supermarket in Worms, Germany, I just had to buy it and it was just like I remembered it. Retsina is not a wine that needs a fluffy wine review. It is cheap, so try it. 50% of folk will love it and 50% loath it. I’m one of the 50% who love it.

Kalochori Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 10940, 54110
Tel. +30.2310.752.324, +30.2310.752.302,
Fax. +30.2310.752.736