Making The Wrong Decision Could Really Cost You

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

When we think about blogging, most of us will turn to Blogger or But what about if we want to OWN our content and run our own show? We start looking for self-hosting or Web Hosting, right?

When you begin looking at Web Hosting services online, you’ll probably go blind. There are so many options out there! They all claim about the same services yet different prices. You could go crazy trying to find out which is the best for you!

Next you’ll probably ask your fellow blogger friends, if you have any. You’re still going to get several different recommendations that will again, drive you crazy.

My History

When I first started blogging, I tried Blogger and They were good for what I was doing at the time, however I started hearing horror stories about Blogger sites disappearing and the sites were limited when it came to advertising or JavaScript. So I took the leap. I began investigating Web Hosting. At the time I had one blog. My needs were not many. I wanted to host my blog on a server so I could do what I wanted with it.

After looking and reading for what seemed weeks, maybe months, I chose Bluehost. Bluehost helped me transfer my blog and was there to help me along with my WordPress Install and security features. Bluehost was truly good to me for about 3 years. I had very minimal downtime and they were quick to help me when I had issues.

But then I read about a new Web Host on a reputable blogger friends site. This was a new web hosting service that came highly recommend by several people. As my hosting services with Bluehost were coming up for renewal, I decided to try this new hosting service. NOTE: CHEAPER IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER!

From Day 1 I had issues. There were issues with transferring my site from Bluehost and setting up my domain. Within the first 30-days, there was several days of downtime. I talked to the host directly and they promised no more issues. 45-days into my plan, it got worse but it was too late for a refund. I tried and they refused. Within 90 days of this new hosting plan, I left them. I transferred my website(s), I had two (2) by now; and moved to yet another host.

Interestingly enough, I later found out my friend also was having issues with this web host. What I found out within a month or two later, was shocking! This web host up and left the world-wide web! Everyone that had hosted with them was S.O.L.and so were their sites! Thankfully, I had previously transferred and was safe however, I was still out the first year of hosting fees. Yes, I learned my lesson.

Introducing Site5

I can’t remember how I found Site5 [Affiliate Link] or if it was recommended by someone but I have never been happier! Site5 was very happy to talk to me about what my plan needs were and how I would transfer my site to them. They have been nothing but pleasant to deal with and very helpful and quick with my support issues. Support issues in meaning, I screwed something up and they helped me correct it. There has been no downtime with Site5 since I began using their services.


  • 99.9% uptime
  • 30-day Trial with a 45-day Money Back Guarantee
  • Friendly, fast, and knowledgeable Support Team
  • Easy to use Web Hosting even for the novice blogger
  • Value their customers

I can vouch for all of the above, except for the Money Back Guarantee as I saw no need for it.


  • Free Site Migration!
  • Coupons and Specials!
  • 30-Day Free Trial!
  • Server Locations Around The World!
  • Web Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • Fully Managed VPS
  • Cloud services

I am so thrilled with Site5 that I became an Affiliate  [Affiliate Link] of theirs. Trust me, if I wasn’t getting fabulous service from them, I would not recommend them. However, I can almost guarantee that if you were to host your site with Site5, you would love them so much, you too would become an Affiliate and spread the good word.

Available Plans

As with most Web Hosts, they offer many different plans.

The first thing you need to choose is your Server’s Location. I chose Washington D.C. which is close to my residence. Depending on which Server you choice, will determine your Basic, Pro, or Pro+Turbo Annual Plan. Choose a Two (2) Plan and get a bigger discount. To view the different plans available and server locations, view Web Hosting / Plans & Features.

What More Can I Tell You?

Site5 is an accredited business on the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Again, whomever you choose as your Web Host, may determine your happiness. If you went through what I did and several others with that “other” web host I used, it might have been totally turned off for life. Trust me, there are many Web Hosts out there, please choose carefully.

If you do decide it’s time to try another Web Host, please give Site5  [Affiliate Link] a chance. If you’re not ready now but maybe in a year or so, please click my Affiliate Link Banner in the footer on my site. I would appreciate the recommendation!

Now over to you, are you happy with your current web host? If so, if you’d like to share, who do you host with and why do you like or not like them?