Making the Most of August 2016

By Everemma

This week I heard someone say that you should treat the time you have similarly to how you would treat your money. I'm all about making my money work and split it out via various categories. My time, though? I'm afraid that I squander it away. 
From now until I find myself wisely spending my time without a brainstorm session in advance, I want to come up with a monthly list of activities I may want to do and things that I'm looking forward to. Hopefully you'll find yourself thinking about how you can better spend the time you are given. 
1. Host a game night.2. Go to a water park.3. Have a picnic.4. Make a new friend.5. Take a picture a day.6. Have a date night and go all out!7. Finally put together and order all of those family yearbooks.8. Get involved at least once in a community activity.9. Sleep under the stars. 10. Find the perfect gift for the cutest nephew on the planet.11. Start thinking about and planning "school" for little e.12. Keep working on potty-training. One of these days she'll get it.13. Do something with a friend you already have.14. Take little e to a museum.15. Visit with family.16. Have a game plan for a house project.17. Find out the gender of the little one. 18. Work outside. 19. Get a slurpee.20. Go to a library book sale and don't just look for the books you know about. Find a gem.21. Get a snow-cone. 22. Spend some time in little e's kiddie pool.23. Relax by the river with a book and a beverage. 24. Go for a walk. 25. Take a family vacation.26. Eat all the peach things.27. Explore a new-to-me place in my state. 28. Go to the drive-in29. Make some lemonade.30. Go to the pool.31.Take some time every day to write a sentence or two about something that made you smile that day.
What are you hoping to do with your time in August?What are you most looking forward to?