Making the Most of an Advisory Board

Posted on the 15 November 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

In his recently published book, Essays on Governance, CIPE Board member Andrew Sherman looks at the myriad issues facing entrepreneurs and business owners. Good governance is crucial to building and sustaining a business in a complex, shifting operating environment. Mr. Sherman, a partner at the international law firm Jones Day, excerpts a chapter from the book in CIPE’s most recent Economic Reform Feature Service article. In it, he interviews Verne Harnish, a thought leader on global growth strategies and founder of Gazelles International, who discusses the importance of “The Council,” a concept first introduced by author Jim Collins in his seminal book, Good to Great. Read the article here.

Article at a glance

  • A reliable set of advisors is crucial when a leader plans to expand the business globally.
  • Leadership teams sometimes must work in untraditional ways to develop a deep level of understanding and trust.
  • Disagreement can be productive and can lead to strong management decisions.