Making Readers Aware of Breast Cancer Resources

Posted on the 30 March 2012 by Jean Campbell

breast cancerThis site is about bringing information to readers, especially those who are recently diagnosed with breast cancer, that hopefully will help to make navigating treatment and getting on with life as a survivor just a bit easier.

In addition to sharing  stories of those who’ve been through breast cancer, this site is about sharing research findings and improvements in treatment. It is also about sharing the practical things you can do to feel better during treatment.

Every so often, someone writes and asks me to make readers aware of a particular resource that she or he thinks can be of help or comfort to someone going through breast cancer treatment or making the transition from treatment to being a survivor.  Sometimes it’s a book, or product or an article of clothing.

This site doesn’t endorse or recommend any breast cancer resource. There is no financial gain to this writer or to this site in making resource information available to readers. Every resource and its source are researched thoroughly to confirm that the resource is legitimate and appropriate.

Some resources are available at no cost. Others are covered by private insurance, Medicaid or Medicare. Some must be purchased.

If you have a resource that you want to share, please be prepared to submit a guest post about the resource, and why and how it can help someone with breast cancer. Along with the post, you may include information about the resource with a live link to a site where more information about the product, book or service can be found.

Please contact me at if you want to discuss submitting a breast cancer resource.