Making New #Traditions Help Keep Family Together

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

It’s almost never failing that someone in the Pants family is going to be CRANKY on a holiday. Can you guess who more so than the others?

Well let’s put Cranky Pants on the hot seat. Five days out of seven he’s going to be cranky at least once a day. Yes, it is the never ending downer of crankiness. However, I’ve learned how to deal with it.

Take for instance, Cranky texts me from work and tells me he’s having a miserable day. Trust me when I say, I am totally compassionate towards his miserableness when it comes to his job. However, he will continue to text me with a gloomy text after text. Although I am sympathetic to his anguish, having text after text with major downer of words can definitely wear on someone.

Let’s look at another scenario in the Pants family. Bean, my beloved four-legged furson, can be a major cranky ass. When Bean doesn’t get his way, he will whine, whine, and whine some more. Not only does he whine, he will give you the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen and drop his bottom lip so you can see his bottom teefers! Really, it’s hard to stand your ground.

New Years morning came in with a bang. Not really but it sounded more exciting that the actual happenings. :) Cranky and Bean got their morning bed wrestling time in while me, Bitchy, scrolled through Facebook post after post about the new year. Grrrr…… the sad reality is not all the posts were happy. You know how people tend to share every emotion on Facebook. Oh, the travesty!

When I finally got up and got motivated, I found Cranky to be a bit touchy. I didn’t want to start the new year with an all out brawl over who’s balls are the biggest, so I decided to make a new tradition!

Enter New Tradition in the Pants Family

No crankiness allowed on New Years Day!

No Crankiness Allowed on New Years!

I thought it was a pretty good idea and had to mention the newly installed “law” a few times to Cranky and Bean. Well, Bean totally blew it. In his defense, he totally doesn’t understand cranky. He simply believes when he wants his fifth piece of sausage or jerky that he should get it! Cranky, on the other hand, is short-fused anyway (thank you PTSD). So I’m always on guard with him and trying to keep the peace. (I truly am a peaceful person despite my snarkism).

Needless to say, the day almost went crankiless except for towards the end of the day and trust me when I say, it was totally justified for Cranky to get that way.

So for the first day of a new year and a new tradition I have to admit, the Pants family pulled it together and instead of tearing down a holiday, we stood strong together.

Now I turn it over to you. Do you have any family traditions and if so, want to share them with us? How about new traditions? Have you started any lately?

Oh and for those of you who thought MGP would no longer have new snarky posts, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I am retaining power over the site, and it’s witticisms and will continue to post on a non-schedule. Meaning, when I get a wild hair, you’ll hear from me, so please don’t unsubscribe. :) 

And definitely don’t forget about my new site Just Like A Fine Wine!

Happy New Year girlies!