Making In the Pot Swirl Soap

By Ngscents @ngscents

Hello everyone, I’m back with my fixed Nature’s Garden’s colors soap! And I’m even bringing you the easy free recipe so you can make it yourself! For this recipe, I have used our recipe for our Shea Butter Cold Process Soap. Learning from the mistakes I made the first time, I made sure to thoroughly mix my colors as well as bringing my colors to trace. This soap has turned out so beautifully and I am so excited! I also added more color to make the colors even brighter!


125 grams of Lye

272 grams of Olive Oil

181 grams of Palm Oil

181 grams of Coconut Oil

272 grams of Shea Butter

345 grams of Distilled Water

69 grams of Aqua Di Gio Type Fragrance Oil

4 grams of Neon Blue FUN Soap Colorant

2 grams of Kelly Green FUN Soap Colorant

3 grams of Neon Green FUN Soap Colorant

4 grams of Yelp Yellow FUN Soap Colorant

4 Loaf Square Mold

Safety Glasses

Safety Mask

Safety Gloves



Mixing Bowls


Stick Blender


Always start with safety first, especially when working with lye as it can cause burns when it comes in contact with your skin! Make sure to wear your safety glasses and gloves! Once you are protected, you can go ahead and prepare your lye water. Measure and weigh out 345 grams of water into a mixing bowl. When making your lye water, always remember to pour your lye into your water, not water into lye as this can cause an explosion! Weigh out 125 grams of lye, pour it into your water, and mix it together thoroughly. Let your lye water sit to cool down.

While your lye is cooling, you can get your oils ready. In a mixing bowl, measure out and weigh out 272 grams of Shea Butter, 181 grams of Palm Oil, 181 grams of Coconut Oil, and 272 grams of Olive Oil. When you have all of your oils ready, go ahead and melt them down completely. Then let them sit to cool as well.

While you are waiting for your oils and lye to cool, you can get your colors ready. Using three separate mixing bowls, add 6 grams of Yelp Yellow colorant to one, 4 grams of Kelly Green and 5 grams of Neon Green to another, and 7 grams of Neon Blue to the last.

Using your thermometer, check the temperature of both your lye as well as your oils. Once they are both around 72 degrees (room temperature) or so and the temperatures are within 10 degrees of each other Fahrenheit, you can pour your lye water into your oils. Soaping at this lower temperature will give you a lot more time to work.

Using your stick blender, thoroughly blend it together until you have completely emulsified it and have brought it to a light trace.

Then go ahead and pour 459 grams of your soap into each bowl with your colorants. Add 37 grams of fragrance to each bowl. Thoroughly mix each bowl until you have achieved an all over green color, blue, and a bright yellow!

Once your colors are mixed, you can begin to pour them into a clean mixing bowl. Pour each color in separate sections of the bowl.

Using a spatula, starting at the edge of the bowl, drag it in a straight line all the way across.

After you have done the straight line, place the spatula right where two colors begin to mix and drag it around your bowl in a circle.

Once you have finished swirling your soap, you can begin to pour it into your mold. Carefully, and slowly pouring it from side to side in the mold using the “granny pour” (as we call it)  will help you achieve an even prettier swirl. Once it is all poured, you will need to let your soap sit for about 24 hours.

After the 24 hours, you can remove your soap from your molds and slice.  We like to allow our cold process soap to cure for about 4 weeks to allow it to become harder and less alkaline. Make sure to check out all the rest of our free recipes and classes as well! Keep watching for more Enlightened by Layla!