Making Arrangements for Your Dog When You’re Away

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

For every owner, there are times when you have to be away from home – for holidays, hospitalizations, or business trips, for instance. During such times, you will have to make arrangements for your dog to be looked after. There are several options to choose from, depending on the circumstances.

Check out Dog Road Trip 101.

Boarding Kennels

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Seek recommendations from vets and dog-owning friends. Visit likely establishments first to satisfy yourself your dog will be well-cared for. Your dog will need to be vaccinated against relevant diseases, so ensure his inoculations are up to date well in advance. Take the vaccination certificate with you when presenting your pet at kennels as it will be checked. Tell the kennels of any special care your dog needs, or he has any behavior problems.


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If you have a number of pets, employing the services of a pet-sitter is a good option. Just make sure to use a reputable agency that vet its staff carefully, and offer insurance in case of mishaps.

  • Leave the following information for pet-sitters before you depart:
  • Contact details for yourself and your vet, in case of emergency
  • What food your had has, how much and when to feed
  • Any medical detail if your dog is receiving treatment
  • Specific dos and don’ts in terms of handling of your pet

Taking your Dog with You

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If you want to take your dog away with you, you need to accustom him to traveling. If using public transport, check companies’ rules and regulations regarding this. In the car, traveling your dog in a travel crate is the safest option – make sure that he can stand up, lie down, and turn around in it. Incorporate plenty of rest and stops in the journey, and never your dog unattended in the car – particularly on warm days.

Check out How to Take Care of a Puppy That Travels by Air.