Making a Statement.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
  I never thought I'd follow a trend.  Never.  Well, maybe.  However, I jumped on the bandwagon.  Yep, I sure did.
Last year, I clicked on a link on Facebook of a fellow blogger that I follow - can't remember who to this day.  Anyhow, I ordered an incredible statement necklace for under $20.  Actually, ordered two! One in ivory and one in turquoise.  Now, I wish I would have ordered one of each color.  Too funny, right?!
Side note - I'm pretty sure the necklaces are J Crew knock-offs.  Some of you fashionista's out there may know.  If you get The Glitter Guide, you saw Mrs. Lilien had the pink one on here.
If you follow me on instagram you've already seen me make a statement.
What do you think?  Do you make a statement?