Making a Change Through… NoGarlicNoOnions: The Workshop

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

Come and join us at Qrude Studio, as Anthony Rahayel, the blogger behind the famous NoGarlicNoOnions, takes us on a journey inside the world of blogging and its impact through his own experience!
Not only will Anthony be sharing his experience through interactive talks, there will also be a blind Lebanese beer tasting and comparison session!

An interactive workshop with Anthony Rahayel about blogging and its impact through NGNO with a special blind Lebanese beer tasting comparison session!!

People Deserve To Know…

Making a change through NGNO

Lebanon has and still is witnessing a boom in the hospitality field. From various hotels in different parts of the country to a variety of restaurants, bars, diners, pizzerias, bistros… you name it we have it…

But are they all good? Do they all serve what they promise? Are they welcoming, hospitable…? Are the ingredients used fresh, tasty…? Is what we are paying fair compared to what we get… and much more questions come to mind… and this is where nogarlicnoonions (NGNO) walks in.

What is NGNO today?

NGNO presents trustworthy reviews of food, hotel stays and service, and my photographs are intended to help visitors enjoy my gastronomic explorations and meals prepared by masterful chefs. Readers also have the chance to travel with me around the world as I travel to places like London and Jordan.

NGNO is now part of my life…Blogging is now a part of life…

· I have visited over 1000 restaurants and hotels in more than 140 cities, discovered and relayed new cultures to the people who follow my blog

· NGNO has pushed me to go around my own country to discover its hidden secrets, new discoveries, local factories

· NGNO has created an impact in hospitality field… But blogging has a downside which everyone should be aware of before deciding to live the social media experience.

Let’s live a day in the life of NGNO…

Buy your tickets online

Check the event’s page

 Wednesday, August 20, 2014 from 16:00 to 19:00

 Qrude Studio, jeita , Lebanon