MAKEZU Review 2021 : Is It Best Twitter Automation Tool? (MAKEZU Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons)

Posted on the 07 November 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Twitter is one of the best sites for new businesses and corporations to find clients because it has a large user base. It will also enable them to reach a wider range of people.

However, it appears that this is easier said than done, as increasing your Twitter engagements might be extremely challenging. Many people spend a lot of time on Twitter but receive no potential clients as a result.

Growing your business on Twitter

For new brands and businesses, attracting new consumers can be quite tough. This is where platforms like MAKEZU can help you grow your Twitter account and attract new clients.

So, today we'll take a look at MAKEZU and learn why it's one of the most astounding tools for aspiring entrepreneurs. We'll also see if it's worthwhile to put money into it.

What is MAKEZU?

MAKEZU is a social networking engine that uses cutting-edge software designed with the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence to outperform the competition. MAKEZU's technology allows it to detect live leads based on their level of worry and purpose.

The software employs artificial intelligence to quickly scan through millions of tweets and profiles on Twitter and extract useful information. The software then uses the data to target the company's prospects and select potential consumers based on their fears about life events, for example.

Even before initiating a commercial campaign, MAKEZU's machine learning algorithm provides vital insights about the audience size, structure, and expected response rates.

From the number of clicks created by one specific message to send to a unique profile, the user can also collect information about the prospect who clicked. MAKEZU will eventually turn a company's social media presence into a new cash stream.

How does MAKEZU work?

MAKEZU aims at automating almost every key step you would otherwise do manually to ensure the engagement of your existing audience as well as new followers. When a potential customer expresses a demand for a product or service, the technology recognizes them.

What's inside MAKEZU? Highlight Features

Highlighted below are some of the great features that make MAKEZU unique when compared to their competitors in the market:

MAKEZU can substantially assist businesses in getting a huge number of followers in a short period of time because it is fully based on artificial intelligence. Each Twitter user is examined by MAKEZU's Natural Language Processing algorithm based on their life events and concerns. This will aid you in determining the right audience for your company.

MAKEZU gives you the ability to connect with your customers on a more personal way. This is a fascinating feature because it allows you to categorize your customers according to their problems and life events. You must choose a keyword that is related to your business or product when launching a campaign.

A direct line of connection with your customers is essential. It will distinguish your business or service from the competition. MAKEZU allows you to communicate with your customers right away by sending innovative automated messages.

To help give a more personalized experience, you can set a variety of automatic messages. Because the entire process is automated, you won't have to submit a message. MAKEZU will always take care of things for you. You may increase your consumers' trust in you by sending them automated communications that encourage them to buy your products.

It is critical to have accurate statistics on your Twitter account because they will assist you in analyzing your development. MAKEZU displays the total number of people who have clicked on the link you've provided. This will assist you in determining how much money your Twitter promotion is bringing in.

One of the best things about MAKEZU is that you won't be charged more if you run several Twitter campaigns. You can create an unlimited number of campaigns for no cost. You can also send as many messages to your customers as you desire, increasing the efficiency of your business. You can simply improve your business and see immediate results.

MAKEZU's most impressive and useful feature is that it automates your Twitter feed. You don't have to do anything on your own because AI is being employed. You can set up direct messages to welcome new followers ahead of time.

MAKEZU will have you auto-posting on Twitter so that you are always visible to your fans. They've advanced their AI to the point where they can automatically add hashtags to every tweet, increasing the number of likes and retweets. With all of this automation, you may focus on other aspects of your organization, such as product development. If you utilize MAKEZU, you can save a lot of time.

Customer Support

MAKEZU offers a fantastic customer service team that can be accessed at any time via live chat or email. They have shown to be really helpful and responsive in my experience. They fixed every single issue I had set up.

MAKEZU is one of the few Twitter Automation tools that provides live chat and email assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I've found their customer service department to be very responsive, especially when dealing with site-specific difficulties or anything other than typical tech questions.

How much does MAKEZU cost?


Description: If you are running an already established company and want a bit more extra features then the Standard plan will work for you.

Price: $29per month Features:


Description: If you have a larger team and want to run more operations then you should go with the Pro plan.

Price: $49 per month Features:


Description: If you want to experience the best that MAKEZU has to offer then the Advanced plan is the one to choose from. This is only for companies that already have a strong foothold in their industries and want to increase their social engagements.

Price: $99 per month Features:


Description Price: $299 per month Features:

MAKEZU earlier used to offer a free plan which they removed from their package lineup some time back. So, if you are unsure as to which plan to choose for your business and wish you had access to a free plan to experience their performance, then no need to worry. MAKEZU does offer a classic 14-day free trial for all of its current packages so that you can try out their features and see if they suit your needs.

Reasons we like MAKEZU!

MAKEZU is a cutting-edge Twitter Automation platform that offers a complete solution, from lead generation to community building and follower maintenance. MAKEZU comes with a slew of tools meant to help you and your team get actionable user data, track user activity, and improve operational efficiency so you can focus on the people who have clicked on your CTA. It can boost productivity and give your marketing staff more time to focus on numbers.

So, after an in-depth analysis of the platform, here are some of the key reasons why we like MAKEZU so much.

Set up multiple campaigns:

Using MAKEZU, you can effortlessly set up multiple campaigns on Twitter. This will allow you to reach a larger audience, which will help you expand your business.

Target the right Audience:

On Twitter, it might be tough to find the proper individual at times. Most individuals will only look at a product and never buy it because they do not require it. MAKEZU will ensure that you reach the audience that your company requires. With MAKEZU, you'll be able to create a marketing strategy that ensures your products are seen by the correct individuals. Then, using the auto-messaging option, you can connect with all of those folks.

Seamlessly manage all your campaigns:

There are times when managing a campaign on Twitter is quite difficult. With MAKEZU, on the other hand, you can effortlessly manage all of your campaigns. This type of personalization allows firms to stand out from the competition. In less than twelve minutes, you can have a campaign up and running.

Customer Support:

Last but not least, there is helpful customer service. If you have a question and are unsure how to proceed, you can contact MAKEZU's excellent customer care team. They are always willing to assist and answer their customers' questions.

Why should you try MAKEZU?

MAKEZU is a simple marketing automation tool that helps companies advertise themselves on Twitter and connect with the right individuals.

Businesses can use the platform to send welcome messages to new followers, feed Twitter timelines with the most recent posts related to an industry, engage with the best tweets related to an industry, and set up auto-campaigns to follow and DM potential customers as soon as they express interest in your service or product.

Helps in organically increasing of followers:

The majority of firms place a high priority on gaining a significant number of Twitter followers. It can be difficult for some people since they don't perform it correctly. Using MAKEZU, on the other hand, will make everything much easier for you.

Their automation approach will save you valuable time while also enhancing your internet visibility. To keep things fresh, articles from reputable sources are automatically sent to your Twitter account.

You can keep your audience informed about the newest developments in your industry. Because of MAKEZU's excellent features, you may easily obtain a large number of followers. It's never been easier to build your business on Twitter than it is now.

Generate leads, and drive conversions:

In a competitive platform like Twitter, driving conversions is really challenging. If you're on your own, you'll have a lot of difficulties. MAKEZU assists you in generating more leads and sales on Twitter. To obtain more followers and so enhance your sales, they use a variety of techniques such as Deep Learning and Machine Learning.

Automated almost everything:

The best part about MAKEZU is how easy it makes things for its users. There are no complicated procedures, and everything is quite well-organized.

Auto-messaging is the easiest way for businesses to save time on Twitter. MAKEZU allows you to completely modify all of the texts. You can send messages to those who tag you in a tweet automatically. This type of productive discourse aids MAKEZU's effectiveness.

One of the most inspiring aspects of MAKEZU is its wide range of pricing options. MAKEZU's most basic version is completely free to use. It's ideal for small businesses and freelancers.

MAKEZU Customer Reviews

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Conclusion: Is This Twitter Automation Tool Any Good? MAKEZU Review 2021

MAKEZU is a fantastic piece of software for businesses looking to boost their Twitter interaction. It provides a plethora of functions to its consumers, making it quite handy.

The pricing options are also quite diverse, making it appealing to a wide range of small and large organizations. It's also free to utilize the basic version, which is fantastic for any freelancers out there.

So, if you're seeking for the greatest Twitter marketing tool, MAKEZU is an excellent choice.