Makeover a Mountain

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

St. Michael's Mount seen from Marazion

Whilst in Cornwall a month ago we were told by several people, "You must visit the garden of St. Michael's Mount, it's had a makeover!". Fortunately it was on our itinerary to visit anyway, right at the end of our stay there and hearing comments about the place made us even more excited in seeing the changes.
And it didn't disappoint, lots of changes indeed since we last visited a couple of years ago. The plantings are obviously very new and you can see that so many old plants have been cleared out to make way for the new layout and plantings. Despite the newness I think it looks great and the removal of some of the old specimens has just enhanced the fantastic feel of the garden rather that detract from it.

Something strange on the beach...

It was high tide when we visited so had to take the boat to the island!

A historical mural...

Into the garden, towards the castle...

Having been visiting the garden several times before we easily noticed the changes that were made. Gone are some of the old yet tatty looking trees (a risk considering these trees provide shelter in such an exposed spot), shrubs, and succulents; making way for new plants, layout, and exposure of some of the stone face that's enhanced the character of the historic castle up above the mountain (well more like a large hill really).

Whoever the lady is, her jacket is a great contrast with the bluebells...

View of Marazion from the island...

One of the few remaining pillboxes used during the Second World War

View from the pillbox...

And there it is, the castle on top overlooking the garden...

Most of our stay in Cornwall we were lucky to have sunny and dry weather. But on the day we visited it was gray and misty but fortunately it didn't rain. I quite like it like that though as it just enhanced the experience as the place is very atmospheric.
The castle on the property is still the residence of the St. Aubyn family but is largely managed by the National Trust. They have commissioned American landscape designer Michael Harvey to re-design the garden and it's layout, which I think effectively has revitalised it. Work is still ongoing but so far so good, and definitely looks promising!

Proud and resilient, Cordyline australis seemingly relishing the exposure...

Scilla peruviana

Aeonium hybrid

One of the newly replanted succulent beds. Love the rockface!

Fantastic stone terracing!

The Walled Garden

Eryngium agavifolium

Pachystegia insignis

Aeonium 'Sunburst' bed, with the odd one Aeonium 'Lemon and Lime'

Cussonia spicata

Many of the new plants that went in were sourced from local nurseries and some of the nurserymen were proud that they have plants there that came from them. I certainly recognised loads of them!

View from 'The Well'

A lone gladioli!

Anigozanthos flavidus

Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

A red bed!

Vertical gardening...

Blooming Puyas on the horizon...

A well tended garden...

Aeonium 'Schwarzkopf'

Lovely! Aloe polyphylla

Newly planted Lancewoods - Pseudopanax crassifolius


And of course, the pre requisite plant sales section...

No doubt we will be back again in the following years to come. It'll be interesting to see how this newly redesigned garden develops in time!
Mark :-)