Make Your Own Pizza Night

By Youngandcraftysisters

Since Hannah moved to Conroe we try to have “family dinner” once a week.  We invite a few friends, open a bottle of wine, and most often end up piled in my king sized bed to watch Gilmore Girls or The Bachelor.  I try to keep the dinners fun and creative; makes it a little more difficult because one of our friends is vegetarian but I love a challenge.

I had the idea to do a “Make Your Own Pizza” night.  I whipped up some homemade dough and had tons of toppings.  Hannah heard grilling the pizza is good, so we gave that a try too!  Click here for the pizza dough recipe I used, I highly recommend it!!


I love the way the dough looks on the rustic cutting board next to the bright vegetables for topping.  I opened a can of tomato sauce and seasoned with salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, and red pepper flakes. 

Everyone had a blast rolling out their own dough and picking custom toppings.  Hannah went first and took more than her fair share of toppings, typical older sibling!!

Brent grilled the dough with no topping for about 2 minutes.  He then brought in the semi-cooked crust and we topped on the cooked side, that way the other side could crisp up on the grill after the toppings were added.  We didn’t have a spatula quite big enough so Brent improvised and used our huge crawfish paddle!!  He did an excellent job!

I provided the following toppings:  mushrooms, fresh basil (from my herb garden), black olives, artichoke hearts, red & green bell peppers, colorful tomatoes, and chives/onions.  I had the deli slice fresh salami and pepperoni on the thinnest slice and the mozzarella on a 1.5 slice.  Much better than the pre-packed stuff.  This reminded me so much of mine and Hannah’s trip to Italy!  I was actually impressed by how affordable the meat was – about 35 slices of salami was less than $3 and even more pepperoni was about $6.  Brent and I enjoyed the leftovers on sandwiches for a few days.

Get creative with dinner at your house.  Let the kids top their own pizzas and help roll out the dough.  This is an excellent interactive dinner great for families and friends alike.

Linking Up To These Parties:
Monday- Skip to my Lou Craft-O-Maniac Making the World Cuter C.R.A.F.T. Tuesday- Sugar Bee Crafts A Diamond in the Stuff Today's Creative Blog Funky Polkadot Giraffe Thursday-Somewhat Simple Friday-Tatertots and Jello Chic on a Shoestring Decorating  Sunday-Under the Table and Dreaming I Heart Nap Time

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