Make Your Own Bento Box Elastic Strap Bows!

By Pepper Bento

Today, I’m doing something a little different to normal so get your crafting hats on!

Don’t worry, it’s still about bento and it’s really easy to do!

When I’m not making bento, cooking or creating crafting hats I love to cross stitch and sew!

I had the idea to make some cute little bows that could attach (and more importantly, detach) to elastic bento straps and I thought I’d share just how I did it with you so you can make your own!

May I walk you through how I made one?

How about the yellow one?

Bento Strap Bow

For one bento strap bow, you will need:

From left to right:

Felt in your choice of colours, you can have just one color or as many as you choose!

A medium sized button with holes, go wacky, decorative or classic, anything you like!

Embroidery or sewing thread in your choice of color.

A pencil, for marking off.

A sharp pair of large scissors.

A tape measure or ruler.

Sew in Velcro (fabric hook and loop fastener)
I used adhesive Velcro as it was all I had but I recommend sew in Velcro to make your bow hard wearing.

A large sharp needle, one that will fit through the button holes.

To create your bow:

Step 1:
Mark off and measure three times the width of your elastic strap on your felt, making sure it will wrap comfortably around the strap.
Mark out a third of the length of the band for the depth and cut out.

Step 2:
Cut out equal sized pieces of hook and loop, the same width as the elastic band.
Sew the hook piece facing up on one end of the felt and the loop piece facing up on the opposite end of the reverse side of the felt.

Step 3:
You will now have a piece of felt that fits around your elastic belt and sticks with Velcro, make sure the felt pieces are aligned!

Step 4:
Set this first piece aside.
Cut out a strip at least 12cm long and double the width of your strap.
Cut out another piece the same length, one width of your elastic strap wide.

Step 5:
Cut the thinner strip in half and if you like, cut out a small triangle in each to make the “ends” of the bow.

Step 6:
On the thicker piece, overlap the ends to make a hoop shape and place each bow “end” on top of each other inside the hoop in the center.
I cut the middle of the felt to make a nicer bow shape, you don’t need to!

Step 7:
Open up the Velcro piece that was made earlier, presentation side up, and place the bow in the middle.
Position your button nicely in the center so when you sew through the holes in the button, the ends for your bow and the overlap will all be sewn through in a straight line, keeping everything together.

Step 8:
Sew from the back of the Velcro piece, through each layer of felt and through, out of one of the button holes.
Go down through the next button hole, making sure to again pierce through every piece of felt on the way, continuing through all the felt and in and out of the button holes until all pieces are fully secure and tight!

Step 9:
You are now almost done!
Make it your own and add embellishments as you like!

At this point you could add a smaller button on top of your first button to create a layered effect!
You could also, using a smaller needle, thread small beads between the button holes, making a very pretty effect.

Step 10:
Make a few knots in the back when you are ready to finish the thread and snip.

You’re finished!!

Now you can make every bento look like a pretty little present to yourself or loved one!

Even my Samurai bento box is getting in on the action, he’s not ashamed of his girly bow!

There are so many variations you can create!

My Samurai has a blue bow that hasn’t been cut into a bow like shape and is longer with shorter bow ends and a classic four hole button.

For the bow sported on my bentgo strap I went a bit more complex and used two different colours, making two bows and each bow end in different colours!
I added a fancy pumpkin button, perfect for a tasty Halloween surprise!

Be sure to share your bow(s) with us!!