Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly [Infographic]

Posted on the 09 November 2017 by Rinkesh @ThinkDevGrow

Every homeowner should seek to improve the eco-friendliness of their residence and the reasons for this are numerous. The obvious benefit is to the environment, with reduced energy usage and waste output, plus a greater focus on renewable resources. An eco-conscious approach also helps to save money, as lower energy usage means lower utility bills, with the savings accumulating nicely over time. Plus, making a commitment to eco-friendly living often brings a sense of self-satisfaction at doing your bit to help the environment.

If you would like to make your home more eco-friendly, there are numerous ways in which to do it, many of which are very simple and inexpensive to implement. When purchasing light bulbs, choose LED bulbs with a low wattage that will last for much longer than incandescent lights. Also, get into the habit of switching off lights when leaving a room. A lot of energy is wasted from blindly leaving a room lit up when it is unoccupied for several hours.

Another change that’s very easy to enact is to use appliances more efficiently. When doing your laundry, wait until the pile of clothes takes up almost a full load in your washing machine before putting on a wash. Likewise, only use your dishwasher when it is nearly full to the brim with cups, plates, pots and pans. By taking this approach, you’re helping to save both water and energy.

For those who are very dedicated to having an environmentally friendly home, it is well worth considering the installation of solar panels on your roof. This is a great way to allow plenty of natural light to enter your home, cutting back on the need for artificial lighting while also helping to provide heat to your home. Speaking of heat, a lot of it can escape through infrastructural gaps and hollow walls. If you find it difficult to heat your home, it could be worth investing in insulation so that your walls don’t let heat escape so readily. Simple measures such as keeping your curtains drawn at night also help to combat heat loss.

In the infographic below from EZ Living Interiors (, you can find out many more ways in which you can improve your home’s eco-friendliness, saving yourself money and helping the environment in the process.