Make Way for Some Desserts

By Mustachio @mustachio2011
Time check: 330PMStomach check: Still a bit stuffed from lunch at Gabby's Bistro but can always make some space for dessertsDestination: Sans Rival Cakes & Pastries

It's mid-afternoon and the place is packed.
So many choices, so little space in my stomach.
What shall we have?
The bestsellers, of course: San Rival and Silvanas. Plus a slice of Date & Walnut Dacquoise.

Sweet-o-meter:Sans rival: Huh? Should use the butter-meter. Too buttery. Sorry, not my type.
Silvanas: Just right. I could finish the whole box in one sitting.
Date & walnut dacquoise: Too sweet for me, but my travel buddy absolutely loves it.
Sans Rival Cakes & Pastries3 San Jose St., Dumaguete City(035) 422 9482 / (035) 225 4440 They're also in Robinson's Place Dumaguete.

How making some space for desserts also made some space in Mustachio's pocket:Box of Silvanas (10 pcs) Php 110Slice of San Rival Php 26 Slice of Date & Walnut Dacquoise Php 48
In Dumaguete Diet is Dead:Gabby's BistroMake Way for Some Desserts (you're here!)