Make Way for DOGTV

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

While we lay down in our couch watching some movies in our TV, our furry best friend loves to join us and act as though they are actually watching. But are they really watching with us? Thus must have been the inspiration of DOGTV being one of the latest crazes in the dog world. DOGTV is the new cable channel that offers 24 hours of TV show programmed especially for dogs. DOGTV is the product of years of research done by pet experts “to provide dogs the right company when left alone”.

DOGTV concept

Those who always leave home can be at peace knowing their pets have company while they are alone. This is the idea behind the TV channel where shows have three up to six minute segments of our four legged friend’s favorite things such as grassy fields, and dogs playing to name some. The animations, movements and the sounds are meant to stimulate dogs even when they are alone that leads to a more relaxed and happier furry buddy. Further, the TV shows are arranged to target the sense of sight and hearing of the dogs. The visuals are designed to cater the dogs’ sense of sight as well as the sounds to keep pace with the dogs’ sharp sense of hearing. This means that the TV shows’ sounds are arranged in a specific range so as not to annoy the dogs.

It also highlights segments that focused on helping dogs relax and minimize the stress level. This is done through calming music, sounds and images.

Accordingly, the channel uses the most advanced veterinary science to comfort and habituate dogs through exposing them in day to day stimuli.

Will your Dogs Benefit?

Although this could be an exciting idea, however, not dogs react on the same environment. While the TV shows are made dog friendly, there are some breeds that are more visual and sound oriented. TV is a strange avenue to see other dogs playing especially that dogs have sharp sense of smell. Despite the fact that there are different image of animals seen in the TV screen, problem is that they don’t smell like animals at all. Hence, a dog may react positively while another may ignore the TV show.

DOGTV is available on Channel 2635, COX and Time Warner (Channel 148) in San Diego areas. The network plans to expand across the country and encourages dog owners to contact their local cable provider.