Make It: Beni Ourain Rug
By Danikaherrick
I forced myself to do some DIY goodness today. I had an old white wool shag rug I got from Overstock about 5 years ago.
It had been banished to the guest room because it sheds like a German Shepard ...
So. I have had Beni Ourain rugs on my wish list for a while, and decided to finally attempt my idea of dying my white wool one myself. First I mulled through some patterns...
and decided on a basic criss-cross...
safe, will go tailored or eclectic, whatever my mood.
Next I bought some black Rit dye and mixed it up in an empty spray bottle with some salt...
Did a test swatch. Wanted it a bit darker, so I added more dye.
And then I got to work. First I laid it out with a dropcloth underneath. Next I "drew" my first line in with a ruler...
I took 2 old plastic cutting boards (mine were from IKEA, super cheaps!) and an old ruler and began parting the rug into sections along the line, using the cutting boards as protective guards...
I used a bucket and a yoga block to hold them up (use what you got!)...
and I sprayed on the dye.
You will need to massage it in so wear gloves. Just keep repeating as you move down the line...
And repeat and repeat and repeat...
ANd repeat...
So this is where I am at. Check back in a day or two to see it finished and dry in its new room. And I can tell you if there is any weirdness with the dye too. THis takes a while and hurts your back from hunching. You've been warned.
But will be worth it if it works. Free Beni (well almost) and my poor rug gets a new life.