Make 2 Minute Impressive Water Candles

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

Candles are one of the most beautiful and timeless decorations for our home. Every season they look beautiful and have the ability to make our space much more atmospheric.

Today we will show you a great way to make water candles for yourself in less than 2 minutes.

You will need a glass beaker, water, lamp oil (or plain cooking oil), wick, scissors, adhesive tape and a transparent sheet. Also, if you like, you can use small pebbles and confectionary color.

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First cut a circle on the transparent sheet and make a small hole in the center. Pass the wick from there and fasten it best with the adhesive tape. Then put in your glass of pebbles or whatever you want and pour water. Finally put the oil and over the transparent sheet with the wick. Your candle is all over!