Rasmussen finds the distrust of the Obama administration crosses agency lines as 57 percent of voters nationwide "fear government will use NSA data to punish political opponents."
There is little public support for the sweeping and unaccountable nature of the National Security Agency surveillance program along with concerns about how the data will be used.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide believe it is likely the NSA data will be used by other government agencies to harass political opponents. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 30% consider it unlikely and 14% are not sure.
As congressional investigations continue to reveal more information on the IRS targeting of conservatives, pro-life, pro-marriage, Tea Party and Patriot groups as well as Mitt Romney donors, and whistle-blowers continue to expose invasive government spying on Americans by the NSA, the Obama administration is losing more and more support of the American people, and the level of distrust for his administration continues to rise.
Full Wake up America coverage on the IRS scandal can be found here.
Full Wake up America NSA scandal coverage found here.