Maintaining Work-Life Balance: A Big Challenge for Employer and Employee

Posted on the 04 July 2012 by Telecolumnist @tele_columnist

English: An artist's depiction of the rat race in reference to the work and life balance. See Made with following images: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Better Work-Life Balance is the biggest dream of any employee. Things are getting improved with the companies filling the crunch of manpower, the need of existing manpower needs to be fulfilled is the first big thing which is present in front of these companies. Read ahead to know how they came out of it....

The concept of Work-life balance is well thought before in western economies before it made its advent in other parts of the world. The questions raised by the Work-life balance and employee happiness is dealt by the Human Resource departments in following ways. As a believer of good employee management relationship for sustainable development it is my duty to share my thoughts and probable solutions to every companies problem. May be some HR person of some company find solution to his Employee dissatisfaction from this Post. We are discussing five points to improve Work life balance in any Organisation.

1. Work From Home Option:-
This option is well followed in western countries and it is slowly making its way into developing economies like India, China, Brazil and South Africa. But the base reasons are quiet different for both the parts of the world which made HR think of this method to make employee feel relaxed. This concept works in this way that the employee works from home and the company usually pays the broadband and telephone charges for the employee. Many companies like Dell, HP and IBM have already implicated this modus operandi and they have found fairly good results. It terms of company this solves many stress of any employee working late everyday and stressed of going back home fighting the traffic and driving. Second in employee's perspective he is saved from the traffic jam situations of Morning and Evening and Even can work in Pyjama t-shirts and deliver more happily.Also this model attracts more potential employees towards the company.

2. Completing Office work in Weekdays so as to take weekend break:-

This is quiet challenging as the completing office work in weekdays makes your employee and his boss weekend happy. Simple things we usually understand but wish to ignore because we want someone else to speak up your thoughts and start following it. Now this is difficult because bosses and the organisation mind-set has to change which makes employees think about there own good, This needs lots of Improvement in the way people think. And this is a job for HR to accomplished.

3. Split Shift another good option:-

Split-shift program is more women friendly way of maintaining work-life balance, Because here the employee can work in morning. Take a break in afternoon to complete personal work. And join back in evening to complete its day. IT giants like Emphasis has actually implemented and the results in employee survey is showing improving Satisfaction levels.

4. Making good use of the Company Facilities :-

Many employees invest 9-12 hrs. a day in office but never use the facilities provided by the company. Like Gym, sports court, grocery stores, banking facilities inside campus are the facilities which needs to be efficiently used. These facilities not only deviates employees from stress work but also can make sure that new ideas can come up from these recreational areas.

5. Good Time at Work:- 

Optimizing the day is important for employee to work efficiently. It is not good from employee and companies perspective that employee is talking and hanging around whole day. And start working after 5 Pm and works till 9-10 Pm. Spending more time at office could not be considered as more work. Because concentrated work is possible only 4-5 Hrs. a day. And if used efficiently is sufficient enough for the deviated mind working for 12 Hrs.
