Main Objectives, Uses & Principles of Land Surveying: A Brief Guide

By Smadison

Main Objectives, Uses & Principles of Land Surveying: A Brief Guide

The foremost objective of hiring professional land surveyors for surveying is collecting filed data so that a map or a plan is properly made on the basis of the field parameters calculations before executing an engineering operation for beginning the construction project. The survey measurements are used for designing and planning the construction of tunnels, bridges, highways, buildings and related construction projects. As the survey creates, the projects holding magnitudes are constructed by using the generated points and lines.

The Chief Objectives of Land Surveying

The very objectives behind setting up a contract with a registered land surveying company in Perth consist of -

  • Determining the relative position of any given objects or points of the Earth
  • Preparing a map or plan for representing an area on a horizontal plane
  • Developing methods by utilizing combined knowledge of technology and modern science for implementing them on-field.
  • Solving the measurement problems optimally

The Verified Used of Land Surveys
When the land surveyors perform the survey before the construction project to be done at an agreed plot of land in Perth, then the land survey proves its usefulness in the following ways -

  • The survey determines the best route to remove earth in a specified amount.
  • The survey is perfect for use in the preparation of an engineering map that will be showing details, which include the canals, railway, dams, highways and more.
  • The survey marks the boundaries of districts, states, countries, cities, etc. for avoiding any kind of land disputes.
  • The survey helps in creating a topographical map that will be pointing out the rivers, forests, valleys and hills.
  • Using the land surveys, the engineers can estimate and plan the jobs like bridges, railways, waste disposal areas, water supplies and more if needed.

These are the common uses of surveying results in construction projects. The very significance of surveying is its objectives which take different forms. One major form is determining the alignment and locations of highways, bridges, pipes and the like man-made objects.

Another area of surveying is building construction where it provides the needed information for the piers' correct placement, footings, foundations and the added items essential to construct a building.

The Related Principles of Surveying
The first step in any construction project is the survey. Surveying stands out to be a vital branch of civil engineering. It is said to be the art to determine the relative positions of distinctively numerous features either above or beneath the earth's surface. Surveying comprises using various instruments, like the theodolite, compass, chains, tapes, auto-level, levelling staff and a lot more.

These are the principles of Surveying -

Land surveying is to determine the relative position of points along with the relative distances, that is why it is much important in the civil engineering field. The land surveyors will be using land surveying in all kinds of civil engineering projects. The surveying objectives vary based on the project type. A professional land surveyor is always clear about the surveying objects.