Mailbox Mondays: February 10, 2014

Posted on the 10 February 2014 by Cheekymeeky

Welcome to Mailbox Monday, a meme started by Marcia of To Be Continued.

I received the following books over the last couple of weeks.

Books I received last week

Virgin Gingelly is by V.Sanjay Kumar. I know nothing about the book or the author, however the publicist (who so far has never been wrong) is very positive about this book. I received it on Friday ( a lovely hardback). The blurb on the back of the book has this to say

A smoky medium.
A viscous oil that marinates gunpowder, anoints heads and crisps appalams.
An uptight Brahmin.

Apart from the above information, a quick scan of the book reveals that the story is based in my hometown of Chennai. Sounds interesting. I love diving blind into books.

The other book is a bunch of short stories – The Dog Who Healed a Family and other True Animal Stories by Jo Coudert. All the stories in this collection are true stories about animals. It’s been ages since I read any animal stories and I look forward to this one. This book came to me from Harlequin India, which is a bit of a surprise, I thought they mainly dealt with romance.

Virgein Gingelly came to me from Hatchette India.

So, these are the books that I am excited to read and discuss on the blog. Have you read these books? Did you get any interesting ones?