Maids… Just Strangers in Our Homes.

By Umkhaloodie

Today, my half Mexican/half Filipino maid left and good riddance is what I have to say.

Last night as I packed her things (yes, I packed her things- my last maid ripped seam of her suitcase and stitched back up, inside was two cellphones and an iPod and jewellery), she wasn’t happy and told me that quote ‘a criminal was treated better’. Even after I explained what had happened previously, she didn’t give a damn. The way I saw it was, if I was working somewhere for two years and my boss wanted to check through my stuff, I’d happily let he/she, after all, if you have nothing to hide what’s the problem? And don’t give me the ‘but maybe she was embarrassed bout her undies etc’, if that was the case, they wouldn’t have been hung over my front yard on a clothes horse for the world and his wife to see.

Anyway, when I opened her case, I finally realised why the heck my house hasn’t been properly cleaned for the past two years. If she couldn’t take care of her own belongings, no wonder she couldn’t and didn’t take care of my house and my personal possessions.

Here is a list of breakages over the last 6 months:

14 glasses
6 plates
2 coffee cups
1 ironing board
1 washing machine – oh yes… The ACTUAL washing machine
1 very expensive wedding gift that meant a lot to me was put in the bin before I had even see how ‘broken’ it actually was
4 lamps
1 iron burn mark in the center of my sala carpet – where she was ironing… Yes, I stupidly allowed her to iron in there instead of the laundry room as I felt that she would enjoy watching tv at the same time.
1 wardrobe- a wooden wardrobe- broken to bits, don’t ask me how, I have no idea…

In her suitcase she had packed USED cotton buds, WORN underwear, open packets of biscuits, I actually noticed two ants crawling across my sala floor during the packing process…….. Gross is an understatement.

Today, this morning, three hours before she left (and yes, she had already been given her April salary), she splashed bleach all over my carpet…

These maids really are just strangers in our own homes, even after two years, I really only saw how little respect she had for me and my house the day she left.