Magnesium Citrate Softgel Capsules Benefits, Side Effects and Dosage

Posted on the 20 September 2022 by James Denlinger @bulksuppjames

What is Magnesium Citrate?

Magnesium citrate is a magnesium salt that comprises magnesium and citric acid. People commonly take softgels as a magnesium supplement. It is an essential nutrient found in many foods. Some doctors prescribe magnesium citrate as an over-the-counter preparation because it’s a saline laxative. It works to ease constipation and clear out your intestines. The supplement increases water and fluids in your small intestine, helping flush out the bowels.

In fact, treating the occasional constipation is not the only application for these softgel capsules. You can take them for nutritional support (x).

What are Magnesium Citrate Benefits?

Magnesium is a workable and affordable way to help your body. It’s an essential and purposeful mineral, involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in your body. The mineral regulates diverse responses in the body, helping your body absorb protein, support muscle and nerve function, and control blood glucose and blood pressure regulation (x).

Your body requires magnesium to assist in energy production and storage. The mineral contributes to the structural development of your bones, needing it to synthesize DNA and RNA, including antioxidant glutathione (x). Glutathione helps your body prevent damage from free radicals caused by oxidative stress and supports the immune system (x).

Approximately 99 percent of your body’s total magnesium is in your bones, muscles and non-muscular soft tissue (x). The main reason you want to maintain healthy levels of magnesium citrate is to avoid deficiencies that contribute to various health concerns and symptoms. These involve headaches, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and muscle spasms and aches (x).

Other health benefits and uses:

  • Muscle relaxation and recovery
  • Aid digestion and ease symptoms of indigestion
  • Promote bowel movements and relieve constipation
  • Convert food into energy
  • Support heart function
  • Fortify the immune system
  • Promote healthy teeth and bones
  • Nervous system regulator
  • Support healthy mood

Conversely, chronic low consumption of magnesium causes changes in your body, increasing the risk of illness and disease. These include migraine headaches, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease (x).

Other Forms of Magnesium

Magnesium citrate is one of many forms of magnesium you can take for your body. Each one has a distinct purpose (x):

  • Magnesium Orotate benefits the heart
  • Magnesium Glycinate is highly absorbable for those with known deficiency.
  • Magnesium Threonate carries a high level of bioavailability and absorbability but is hard to find.
  • Magnesium Sulfate is Epsom salt to relieve sore muscles and support relaxation.
  • Magnesium Oxide use for acid reflux and as a laxative.
  • Magnesium Chloride Oil helps athletes increase energy and endurance and heal wounds, skin irritation, and dull muscle pain. Some use it to soothe acne, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Magnesium Chelate is highly absorbable by your body, and you’ll find it in fruit and vegetables.

Groups with Magnesium Deficiencies

Deficiencies in magnesium can happen when the consumption falls below the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Certain groups of people are more likely to be deficient in magnesium because they have medical conditions or lifestyle issues (x).

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Chronic diarrhea and improper fat absorption that results in Crohn’s disease and celiac disease can cause magnesium deficiency.

Type 2 Diabetes

Urinary magnesium excretion will increase in those who are insulin resistant. The magnesium loss occurs secondary to higher glucose concentrations in the kidney, increasing urine production.

Alcohol Dependence

Chronic alcoholism causes magnesium deficiencies because of poor dietary and nutritional status. They also have digestive problems, including diarrhea, vomiting and fatty stools. These health concerns result in pancreatitis and bowel dysfunction, resulting in excess excretion of magnesium via urine. Other deficiencies also occur, such as vitamin D and liver disease, decreasing magnesium.

Aging Population

As our bodies get older, magnesium absorption in the digestive tract decreases and renal magnesium excretion increases. Dietary consumption of magnesium also lowers compared to the younger population.

Fourteen randomized clinical trials proved that elderly and alcoholics received more benefit from magnesium supplementation than athletes and untrained healthy individuals because they have a deficiency (x).

Magnesium Citrate Health Benefits

Chronic low intakes of magnesium will create adverse changes in your body. Conversely, taking adequate amounts of magnesium is beneficial to your health. But, talk with your doctor and find out if you need to increase your magnesium intake.

Magnesium Helps Ease Depression

Over 3 million cases of depression happen in the United States every year and 350 million worldwide. The cost of antidepressant drugs is $34,000 per treatment while magnesium is just pennies. Conventional treatment is antidepressant drugs have a battery of serious side effects, involving suicidal tendencies. In fact, the side effects gives good reason to use a natural, safe and effective alternation such as magnesium (x).

A study published in PLOS One reports on the role of magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression through a clinical trial. The study states not only is magnesium easily accessible and affordable but is an effective treatment for mild-to moderate symptoms of depression (x).

Muscle Relaxation and Recovery

After exerting your body like an athlete or doing chores, consider taking magnesium citrate to help you relax and recover properly. A study performed with 18 professional cyclists competing in a three-week race had them take oral magnesium. The results showed that taking magnesium supplements that exceed RDA has a modest effect on supporting muscle integrity. Providing adequate amounts of magnesium promotes muscle recovery from strenuous and intense exercise (x).

The National Library of Medicine reported about a study performed by different people, such as healthy and untrained, elderly, athletes and alcoholics. Researchers applied several exercises to the participants in the study. The results showed that athletes who have relatively high magnesium in their system already don’t benefit from additional supplementation. Those lacking in the mineral and take it experience benefits (x).

Aid Digestion and Relieve Symptoms of Indigestion

Maintaining or restoring healthy levels of magnesium may help ease digestive disorders based on the evidence of the supplement’s role in digestion. Taking magnesium citrate may help repair your digestive organs, support the salivary glands, helps with protein break down in your stomach, ease heartburn, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and reflux disease (x).

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can cause magnesium deficiency and is a frequent complication. Like the double-edge sword where the magnesium deficiency worsens with IBD and increasing magnesium supplements help release IBS symptoms. Symptoms like cramping and bloating is relieved with the supplement (x). Some patients show improvement with 700 mg a day (x, x).

Promotes Bowel Movements and Relieves Constipation

Constipation happens and most people find relief by taking some from of magnesium products, particularly magnesium citrate. Before taking any new supplement talk to your physician to see it is the right choice for you.

Constipation occurs when you have less than three bowel movements a week. Your stools are hard, lumpy or dry, and painful or difficult to pass (x).  You can change your diet, drink more water and become more active to treat the underlying cause of constipation.

Agents like magnesium citrate help with constipation because the compound pulls water into the intestines, loosening the dry stools and helping them pass (x).

Helps Convert Food into Energy

Magnesium involves hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It helps your body create energy, protein formation, muscle movements, gene maintenance and nervous system regulation.

Supporting these activities in your body is essential, especially as you age. Studies show that magnesium plays a vital role in nerve function and mood for those over 65 (x).

Support Heart Function

Many studies show that magnesium supplements reduce atrial fibrillation, which is irregular heartbeats that are too slow or too fast (x). Patients either take magnesium alone or in combination with drug agents (x).

Hypertension and high blood pressure are risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Studies report that magnesium lowers blood pressure. Twelve trials found that supplementing with magnesium for eight to 26 weeks in 545 participants with hypertension lowered their blood pressure. It wasn’t substantial but a reduction (x).

Another study showed 1,173 participants with high blood pressure took magnesium for three to 24 weeks and decreased their high blood pressure (x).

Other studies support using magnesium to lower the chances of sudden cardiac death. A study in the Netherlands showed low magnesium in the body has a connection to coronary artery disease (x).

Regarding strokes, a study shows that higher magnesium intake may lower your chances of a stroke (x).

Helps Treat Type 2 Diabetes

Many studies show that magnesium supplements reduce atrial fibrillation, which is irregular heartbeats that are too slow or too fast. Researchers discovered that people with diabetes have low magnesium levels with a direct correlation between magnesium levels and insulin control. Healthy insulin function depends on magnesium.

The recommended dose for those with diabetes is 500 mg a day, and if your food source is not getting enough magnesium, increase the dosage. Always check with your private doctor first (x).

Another study shows oral magnesium supplements like softgel capsules help raise good cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes. The mineral has also improved insulin sensitivity and metabolic control for people with diabetes (x).

In fact, studies show that magnesium deficiency increases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes because of its association with insulin resistance. A study with 24 obese children, non-diabetic, has their magnesium levels monitored. The insulin resistance was high. When the researchers added magnesium to the kid’s diet, insulin resistance lowered. Thus, magnesium supplementation or an increase of the mineral in your diet is essential in preventing type 2 diabetes (x).

Promotes Healthy Teeth and Bones

Magnesium helps activate vitamin D to trigger the growth and maintenance of bones. Deficiency in these two nutrients may cause various health concerns, like cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure) and skeletal deformities. Having these two components balanced helps maintain the functions of various organs in your body. Teeth, bones, heart, skeletal muscles and other organs require magnesium for proper operation (x).

A clinical study divided lab rats into two groups. One group had plenty of magnesium, and group two was magnesium-deficient. The first group had healthy growth, and reproduction seemed fine. The magnesium-deficient group showed a reduced growth rate, showing the loss of muscle and bone growth (x).

Nervous System Regulator

Taking magnesium softgel capsules has a variety of benefits for your body. The mineral plays an essential part in nerve and neuromuscular transmission from a neurological perspective. Studies show that magnesium influences neurological disorders like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and chronic pain.

Low magnesium levels in your body can lead to oxidative stress and nerve cell death. Some even say psychiatric disorders. An article “Maximizing Health and Well-Being While Flying” reports the importance of taking magnesium to combat stress and relax the muscles (x).

The National Library of Medicine compiled information on magnesium from many studies. Roughly half the United States doesn’t consume enough magnesium. The apparent increase in neurological diseases may correlate with the deficiency of this vital mineral.

The report covered most neurological diseases and concluded that the role of magnesium in preventing and relieving the symptoms is probable. Migraines, anxiety and depression have supporting data on the benefits of taking this mineral. Helping chronic pain seems potentially good (x).

Magnesium Citrate Softgel Capsules Dosage

Discuss your proper dosage of magnesium citrate softgel capsules with your physician because the amount depends on your needs and health concerns. The recommendation is 300 to 400 mg a day on average and a dietary supplement.

Age and diet have also determined the amount of magnesium your body needs. Talking with your doctor will help you decide what is best (x).

Magnesium Citrate Side Effects

Common side effects from taking magnesium citrate are loose stools, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Others include increased sweating, dizziness and upset stomach.

Avoid taking laxatives when taking magnesium because it’s hard for your body to absorb the supplement. Take other medicines two hours before or two hours after taking magnesium citrate (x).

Where to Buy Magnesium Citrate Softgel Capsules?

You can purchase Magnesium Citrate Softgel Capsules at The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor of pure dietary supplements. is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other brands that distribute food and other supplement products. All products at are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.

Are you interested in trying magnesium citrate as a dietary softgel capsule supplement for its potential to support digestive function, healthy aging, teeth and bone health and nerve function? Contact to place an order today.

The Bottom Line

Magnesium is a practical and reasonably priced way to help your body maintain a healthy balance. Magnesium citrate is an essential and purposeful mineral involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in your body. The supplement regulates varied responses in your body, helping absorb protein, support muscle and nerve function, and control blood glucose and blood pressure regulation.

The mineral supports the structural development of your bones, synthesizing DNA and RNA, including antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione helps your body counteract potential damage from free radicals caused by oxidative stress, supporting the immune system.

Your body requires magnesium to assist in energy production and storage. Approximately 99 percent of your body’s total magnesium is in your bones, muscles and non-muscular soft tissue. The fundamental reason to maintain healthy levels of magnesium citrate is to avoid deficiencies that contribute to various health concerns and symptoms. These involve headaches, trouble sleeping, fatigue, mood swings, muscle spasms, and aches.

Before reaching for aspirin, consider taking magnesium citrate softgel capsules after checking with your doctor.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.