Magickal Treasure: Invisibility Cloak

By Tantrawave @planetbuddha
Magickal Treasure: Invisibility Cloak
The ancient Japanese straw rain-cape called the Kakuremino (隠れ蓑) is also an aspect of demon and Tengu-trickster attire. 'Kakure' (隠れ) means 'hiding' and 'mino' (蓑) is 'straw cape.' So it's a cloaking device for demons and tricksters on the very folktale level, but in terms of its dropping a dimension, it's a cloak that hides secret treasures, and these treasures in turn are exhaustive (宝尽し), as they are treasures which have powers to produce more treasures. Hence the exhaustive treasures are interpenetrating Indra's Net of hidden treasures hiding more treasures, ad infinitum. It's a matter for the supernal powers inherent in Mind, that by virtue of tapping into one treasury and interweaving its field of resonance, its full potential opens up, a metaphorical treasure trove of endless treasures which hologramically interpenetrate endlessly. 
Hence the magickal irony of the Cloaking Cape is that it is indeed a Cloak that hides its inner secrets well, secrets which are its treasures, and thus its literal, folktale interpretation makes it a forbidding, repellent object for those who do not have the power or authority to command demons and tricksters, which, in terms of metaphorical interpretation, are demons and trickeries of one's own ego. It is a magickal implement that makes its wearer invisible, and it also has invisible treasures hidden in it. Thus the Kakuremino is a protective device, and it brings forth hidden treasures that bear more treasures. The metaphor and symbolism are richly suggestive. 
As with any magickal implement or object, there is its physical, material representation which can be empowered and interfused with corresponding fields of energy, information, and powers that be. And then there is the next layer of it, viz., the symbolic-metaphorical, and then, the next layer, which is the secret layer pertaining to the dynamics of Mind, resonance, and correspondence to elements and matter. 
Magickal Treasure: Invisibility CloakAs an aside, the ancient rain-garb is a two-piece outfit, i.e., there is a thatched hat and a straw cape. It is said that the hat is male and the cape is female. 
Magickal Treasure: Invisibility Cloak
Magickal Treasure: Invisibility CloakDendropanax trifidus, which is called 'Kakuremino' in Japan, due to the similarity of the shape of its leaves to the magickal implement.