Magic Mirror Biscuits

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that experimenting is the fastest way to discover what works and what doesn't.  When Mimi decided that she wanted a fairytale party in October I immediately started thinking up things I could make.  Yes.  I am that way inclined.  Yes.  I have even started making decorations (well, modifications to last year's modifications to be precise)... but that's another post!
When adding a plain oval biscuit to a play-date lunch box I looked at the shape and thought to myself; mirror.  How to make it look more like a mirror I wondered?  Blue icing and a frame.  Easy.  So easy in fact, that when the girls came home from preschool I asked them if they wanted to make one themselves.  Of course they did.
The results were yummy enough, but a word of warning; if you decide to do a decorate-a-cookie as a party-craft, it gets messy, there were a couple of scary moments with a knife-wielding three year old, and the notion of only putting chocolate candies around the perimeter of the biscuit was not going to happen (and why would you when there's a bowl full in front of you and you know that you're going to be able to eat the results!?!)
So then; mommy will be making magic mirrors for the princess-mermaid-fairy-tale party at the end of the year, and the children can content themselves with eating them!  Unless of course I have a change of heart... the party is an impossibly long way away after all, and only a wicked witch would begrudge her children the fun of making a mess... right?!?

PS - for those of you who noticed my absence; thanks... we've been sick... terribly sick... but we're back and at it now... so daily posts should be coming your way again, and the Halloween ebook should go out later this week as promised... in the meantime, the site-wide sale continues... take care people. x