Magic Behind Juicing

Posted on the 21 September 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

So you’ve tried calorie counting, you’ve tried limiting your portion sizes, nothing seems to work. What about a juice based diet? Juicing is a great way of trying new fruits and vegetables together, creating unique combinations that can help you get your five a day and still feel great about it.

Some of the magic behind juicing includes blending the good-for-you vegetables that may not taste so great, with sweet tasting fruit favourites. The fruit overpowers the lacklustre vegetable taste and what you’re left with is a good looking smoothie!

There are so many fantastic health combinations to try, whether you are looking at getting more fruit into your diet, you need to drink more milk, or you are looking at getting a little more protein. The choice is yours. Our helpful smoothie cheat sheet gives you all the essential information about each ingredient, and how it can help your body. We have even included information on detoxing so that you can get a nice, clean head start before you switch to juicing. Go on, why not give it a try? It’s great tasting and good for you!
