Made-Up Word of the Month: Anticipafiction

By Lauryn April @LaurynApril
Out of all the words I've made up for this series this is one of my favorites. In the pre-e-book days this word would have been in my vocabulary all the time, now I'd use it less often as buying my next book is just a click away. But, there's always that anticipation you feel waiting for the sequel in your current favorite series to hit the market that provides a necessity for this word to exist.

[an-tis-uh-p-fik-shuh n]
1. the act of anticipating the acquisition of a new book. 
2. expectation or hope for a new book to be released. 
“In anticipafiction of the release of the third book in my favorite series, I’m re-reading all the previous books.”
This is that feeling you get when you're anxiously waiting for a new book by your favorite author to be released. Or, when your most recent Amazon order hasn't come in. Anticipafiction is how you feel staring out the window waiting for the Mailman to show up with your next book haul.
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