Made To Move Barbie and Pullips

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

If you’re like me, you’ve dabbled in replacing your Pullip‘s stock body with an obitsu body. You’ve probably also wanted to rip your hair out, because of the crazy wobbly head (and/or torso) some Pullips have once you do re-body them. There are other options, like Liv bodies, but they’re not very easy to come by these days.  Now, there’s an option you can find in your local retail store!  Pullip communities over the internet have been buzzing over Mattel‘s new Made To Move Barbie line. The Made To Move line is basic in look and outfit, but offers more articulation than ever before, even double jointed knees and elbows.

Made to Move Barbie

The Barbie herself is a bit plain. She has a pretty, clean face. Her workout outfit includes black leggings and a stretchy short sleeve top that is bright pink and blue. Her joints are on full display in the box, where she sits in a yoga-esc position.

Now, I have to admit, I didn’t buy this Barbie for the actual doll. I only bought her for her body! If there’s any way to get my Pullips into better, less wobbly bodies, I am willing to try! After taking out the insanely long neck knob (which I neglected to take a photo off, but rest assured, it’s over-kill for sure), it was relatively simple to tweak it into something Pullip friendly. Usually, I’m sanding for hours, but, in this case, it took less than 30 minutes. Here’s the result of my little experiment.

Made to Move Barbie on Pullip

I love the proportions of the Made To Move body way more than the obitsu’s, to be quite honest. The size of obitsu’s can be odd sometimes and most of what I dress my Pullips in are Barbie clothes anyways! Using this kind of body might help the clothing fit better! And better still, the head isn’t wobbly! It actually fits really sturdily on the body and doesn’t pull back on the torso joint, either!

The color matching isn’t perfect, but I’ll take it! Have you tried to switch out your Pullip stock bodies or obitsu bodies with a Made To Move Barbie body? What do you think of this easy to find replacement body? Share your thoughts in the comment area!

January 3, 2016. Tags: barbie, mattel, pullip, review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.